Wednesday 9 March 2022

MiGs Might Fly

The Americans were never going to approve that witty Polish scheme to offload old Soviet kit to old Soviets, but it would stun me to the marrow if only one serving member of the British Armed Forces had gone to fight in Ukraine.

Instead of advising them that they were signing up to defend British interests as defined by a Government accountable to the House of Commons, we have allowed them to imagine that their job was going to be something to do with freedom 'n' democracy.

Ukraine is dishonestly being presented as a bastion of that. It is not, any more than Russia is. Three years ago, Volodymyr Zelensky was a stand-up comedian. He is now worth $1.2 billion. You do not get that from freedom 'n' democracy.

Moreover, Victoria Nuland, the Kagan-in-law who has held the brief both under Barack Obama and under Joe Biden in order to dispel any rumour that the United States was not a one-party state, has let slip that there were American biological weapons facilities in Ukraine.

Of course, everyone had already known that. But it is now a matter of record that there are NATO weapons of mass destruction on Russia's borders. In a state, in fact, where just as the old KGB clique really picks the President of Russia, so the President is really picked by the Nazi militias that staged the coup of 2014.

Why do people think that the Nazis went away? In the summer of 1945, we decided that the Soviet Union was going to be our new enemy, so we began to clutch to our bosom the people in Europe who were most anti-Soviet. Guess who? The sky was literally the limit for Wernher von Braun, and effectively so for Walter Hallstein, Adolf Heusinger, Kurt Waldheim, and numerous others. None of their pasts had ever been any kind of secret.

Having taken in only 10,000 Kindertransport children, Britain took in 15,000 Nazi collaborators, one and half times as many. 1,000 Kindertransport children had been interned as enemy aliens, and some of them had been sent as far as Australia and Canada to get rid of them, but there was none of that for the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (1st Galician).

Those were ethnic Ukrainians from a formerly Austro-Hungarian area that had been incorporated into Poland after the First World War, meaning that they were able to claim pre-War Polish nationality in order to enter Britain even though they had massacred ethnic Poles during the War. It had been Churchill who had handed Galicia over to Stalin, but that did not stop many of the 1st Galician from making their way to Britain. See how very much at home they made themselves.

After all, it was by then Attlee's Britain. The Attlee Government imposed austerity at home in order to go to war to restore the rule of old Nazi collaborators in Greece. By the early 1960s, more former members of the Nazi Party, a party that had been 8.5 million strong at the end of the War, were on the staffs of many West German government departments than there had been current Nazi Party members on those staffs under the Third Reich.

In parts of Austria to this day, you can tell what were the American from what were the neighbouring Soviet zones from the vote for the Far Right, since as early as the summer of 1945 local Nazis fled across the river from the latter to the former. There had been no difference in voting patterns before the War.

Old collaborators were often set up, usually in London, as governments-in-exile of Eastern European countries, or at least included in them, while Western spooks aided and abetted their stay-behind networks back home. From 1989 onwards, those emerged blinking into the light, essentially unchanged. 

And here we are. Having been allied to the Nazis for more than 12 times as long as we were ever at war with them, even our own Armed Forces personnel are now going AWOL in order to fight for them. All in the name of freedom 'n' democracy.


  1. You know more than all the Foreign Office and Defence Ministers and Select Committee members put together.

    1. Thank you, even if that is not saying very much.
