Monday 6 December 2021

Burma Sauce

Her trial was a travesty and she ought therefore to be released, but you do not have to like the Myanmar Army to dislike Aung San Suu Kyi.

My old friend Jonah Fisher has done sterling work in exposing the reality of Aung San Suu Kyi and the persecution of the Rohingya. When he started, then her crown was quite untarnished. But nobody sees her like that today.

Back in the heady days of Early Corbynism, then I myself made a tiny contribution to helping to bring about a greater level of coordination among Britain's Rohingya, Chagossian and Dalit activists, now that there was finally a major political figure who cared about all three of their causes.

There is a kind of GCSE RE fiction that Buddhism is pacifist. But an examination of the relevant texts shows that violence in general and war in particular are fundamental to Buddhism. A rare balanced treatment of Buddhism and violence was broadcast in August 2013. The subject is also addressed in great detail here.


  1. Whatever happened to your coordination among Britain's Rohingya, Chagossian and Dalit activists?
