Sunday 11 January 2015

Making a Charlie of Himself

In his reputationally damaging determination to become a UKIP cheerleader, Peter Hitchens has today made a considerable fool of himself.

There has never been multiculturalism in France, as Nigel Farage cannot be expected to know, but as it is inconceivable that Hitchens does not know.

And would he welcome in the United Kingdom the existence a publication comparable to Charlie Hebdo

Would he applaud the reprinting of its scatological and pornographic images, not least against the key tenets of Christianity, in the pages of the Mail on Sunday?

He courageously resigned from the Daily Express when it was merely bought by Richard Desmond. If his current newspaper were to do such a thing, then he would not even need to consider his position.

Or so one would hitherto have hoped and assumed.


  1. Well said. Multiculturalism is a public policy. Any other use of the word is an abuse motivated by ignorance or malice. It is not what the word means, that is a fact.

    The Kippering of Peter Hitchens is doing him no end of harm.

    1. For some time, he has been using "Right" and "conservative" to mean whatever he happened to think, even large-scale public ownership, with "Left" and various apparent cognates as the opposite.

      He has then insisted that nothing was about economics these days, merely because that was the only way of making his approach work.

      And today, he feels entitled to his own definition of multiculturalism. Or, rather, to Nigel Farage's, of all people's.

      Peter Hitchens needs to give his head a shake. His is too important a voice on too many other issues for it to be lost in gales of derision like this.
