Monday 1 August 2011

In Control?

I loathe control orders. But since we have them, why have the events in Norway not caused both the leaders of the English Defence League, and our leading neoconservative commentators (one of whom is a Cabinet Minister), to be made subject to them?

Speaking of the EDL, its endorsement, more or less, by the Daily Star gives Britain, for the first time, the sort of mass print voice of the Far Right that exists always, but only, in countries where the Far Right is an integral part of mainstream politics. The Star may not be Rivarol or even The Pioneer. But it is there. And that is what matters.

As can also be said of our two BNP MEPs. Together with the MEP from the Italian Northern League who has praised Breivik, they exemplify the deeply unpleasant elements to whose legislative will we are subject, frequently in the coalitions represented in the Council of Ministers, and always in the European Parliament.


  1. Why does the EDL need the Daily Star when it has the Times, Harry's Place, Telegraph Blogs, Melanie Phillips in the Mail and Douglas Murray given two pages of the Speccie to try and justify himself?

  2. I wouldn't know, since I tend to avoid The Times.

  3. Spot on. Douglas Murray, Michael Gove, Oliver Kamm, Damian Thompson, Toby Young, and all the rest of them, why are they still allowed to leave the house or to write for publication after this?
