Thursday, 9 May 2024

God Is Gone Up

Alleluja, alleluja. Ascendit Deus in jubilatione, et Dominus in voce tubæ. Alleluja.

It is always good to hear even only part of Mark 16:9–20. That Saint Mark might intentionally have ended at 16:8 is ridiculous on the face of it. Any lost ending is purely speculative. It is a circular argument that manuscripts without the canonical ending are older; for presupposed theological reasons, they are assumed to be older because those verses are missing. A Gospel without the Resurrection would obviously be no Gospel at all, and its composition would have been a pointless exercise. The Church would have had no reason to make liturgical or catechetical use of such a text, and indeed every reason not to.

As the future founding Doge of the Most Serene Republic of Great Britain, I need to give thought to the form of my own and my successors' Fèsta de ƚa Sènsa. All suggestions gratefully received.


  1. You are like a fine wine.

  2. You could throw a ring down a mineshaft, symbolising the Republic's marriage to the coal that you had brought back.
