Sunday 31 January 2021

We Have A Year, At Most

All three parties intend to nod through boundary changes that, without reducing the number of MPs, would abolish Red Wall seats by creating new Conservative-Liberal Democrat marginals in the places where people still believed in Thatcherite economic policy and in Blairite foreign policy, and now believed that there were 99 genders and that Britain should rejoin the EU.

Meanwhile, the Chagossians have received only £12,000 of the £40 million that had been set aside to compensate them for having been wronged by successive right-wing Labour Governments. A four-year-old boy has been referred under the David Blunkett's still going Prevent Strategy because he had been playing Fortnite. Labour Party membership is conditional upon subscription to the IHRA Definition, and the Government is bullying universities into adopting it, even though its own appointee to chair the Equality and Human Rights Commission dismisses that Definition as, "extremely poorly worded and probably unactionable in law."

The Official Opposition is so bad that the worst Government in living memory is still the only party with more than 40 per cent support, meaning that it would certainly win an overall majority at a General Election that might once again be held at any time. The lie is being put about that Keir Starmer has added 20 points to Labour's total at the last Election, as if it had managed only 15 to 18 per cent under Jeremy Corbyn. In reality, the fact that even this rabble would still beat him makes Starmer the worst ever Leader of the Opposition and the worst ever Leader of the Labour Party. He has outsourced the selection of parliamentary candidates to a servant (so much for his public school education), and to a Mossad agent who is not even a British citizen.

And the exams are once again to be cancelled, or as good as cancelled, meaning that they will never be coming back in any recognisable form, if at all. Too bad for people with the wrong social circles, or with high melanin, or with Y chromosomes. If you have all three of those, then you had better be as talented a footballer as Marcus Rashford. You probably aren't.

All in all, as the 40 Days of Christmas draw to end and the New Year really does need to be begun in earnest, then we do not have the right not to be getting on with building the think tank, the qualification for aspirant parliamentary candidates, the weekly magazine of news and comment, the fortnightly satirical magazine, the monthly cultural review, and the quarterly academic journal, perhaps with a registered political party to be kept in reserve. We have a year, at most.

Returning to print will be hard work, but no pressing of a button in Thames House or in Silicon Valley would just be able to delete our printing presses or our distribution networks. Like those of the Recusants of old, our printing presses might be located abroad. And the journal poses quite a conundrum. Who is to do the peer reviewing, since no university would now employ the peers? Still, across a thousand mile front both of projects and of subjects, we do not have the right not to get to work. And we have a year, at most.


Check out their perfect English whenever a British or American microphone is pointed at them. A few thousand obviously upper-middle-class people have been demonstrating in support of a Russian white supremacist with a negligible electoral following. How is this news even in Russia, where it probably isn't, never mind in Britain?

In normal times, vastly larger demonstrations go past the offices of the BBC, ITN and Sky News on a very regular basis, and are completely ignored. But of course, these are not normal times. Small though they are, the demonstrations in favour of Alexei Navalny would rightly be torn to shreds for breach of Covid-19 regulations if they were happening in Britain.

Convoys of police vans, and that sort of thing, you say? Well, yes. Have you ever attended, or even witnessed, even the most innocuous of demonstrations right here in Britain? No. No, of course you haven't.

The Holden-Nut Nuts Challenge: Day 62

Richard Holden, Princess Nut Nuts testified against you at the trial at which you were acquitted, and since your election she has repeatedly blocked your promotion.

So why do you want the country to be run by her? This question will appear here every day until you have answered it. I am the declared and active Independent candidate for North West Durham.

Oliver Kamm Candidacy Watch: Day 67

Oliver Kamm, you consider that Richard Holden, Laura Pidcock and I are all unfit to be Members of Parliament.

In that case, then you need to announce your own parliamentary candidacy here at North West Durham. 

Put up or shut up. This post will appear daily until you do.

The Pidcock-Starmer Challenge: Day 76

Election to the National Executive Committee at Stage One is the stuff of Labour royalty, and 824 of Laura Pidcock's voters expressed no other preference.

Add quite that level of popularity within the party to the fact that she still lives here in North West Durham, and to the fact that she lost this seat by only 1,144 votes.

All in all, she is already the Labour candidate for North West Durham at the General Election of 2024. There is a certain amount of paperwork to be done, but it is nothing more than that.

Any Labour candidate at that Election will either believe that Keir Starmer ought to become Prime Minister, or will at least be pretending to believe that.

Laura is not the pretending type, so the question is this: Laura Pidcock, why do you want Keir Starmer to become Prime Minister?

Not, "Why do you want a Labour Government?" Why do you want Keir Starmer to become Prime Minister?

This question will appear here every day until you have answered it.

I am the declared and active Independent candidate for North West Durham.

Suicide Watch: Day 99

The two of you who are planning to drag me back to court, the Crown has been granted an adjournment because you have no case. And I am still here. What you really want is for me to commit suicide, which strongly suggests that you have been successful in that regard in the past. One of you has already spent nearly 20 years trying to bring about my death by my own hand. Every time that either of you sends the Police round, or what have you, then that is the intention.

But that will never be the effect. You have met your match in me, and you need to remember that while I am not permitted to name you here, you would be named in court if you pursued me there. You would be named in court as having tried to drive a man to suicide. Would that be good for business? Would that be good for political advancement? Would the Church see that as good for the Church? Think on.

This post will appear daily while you continued your doomed campaign to force me to take my own life. Each of you has clearly succeeded in forcing other people to take their own lives. But I say again, to each and both of you, that you have met your match in me. As one of you ought to have worked out a long time ago.

CPS Watch: Day 99

Keir Starmer's Crown Prosecution Service does not deny that it is an enforcement agency of the right-wing Labour machine, and that its behaviour towards me at every point has proved that conclusively, as that behaviour continues to do.

The CPS does not deny that it corrupted the jury at my trial, and that it would do the same to any jury, or to any bench of magistrates, that might try me in future. If I were ever to be convicted of anything again, then that point would be proved.

The Director of Public Prosecutions, Max Hill, does not dispute that he knows me to be innocent of the offences with which he has charged me.

His predecessor, Alison Saunders, does not dispute that she has always known me to have been innocent of the offences with which she charged me and arranged to have me convicted.

Saunders, Hill and the CPS do not dispute that they have persecuted me, and that they continue to do so, purely in order to advance their professional, political and social lives on and around the right wing of the Labour Party.

And Saunders, Hill and the CPS do not dispute that, since I am nothing special, they are certainly doing this to dozens of other people at any given time.

This post will appear daily until there is any change in the above circumstances. I am a declared and active candidate for the parliamentary seat of North West Durham at the next General Election.

My imprisonment prior to the next General Election would make me the First Past the Post, just as my conviction prior to the last one would have saved my deposit. My enemies need to think on.

Clergy Watch: Day 108

On 4th November, at Peterlee Magistrates' Court, you could not after all come along and witness the latest instalment in the lawfare against me by the right-wing Labour machine, including under it Sunday name. That same Court had granted the Crown an adjournment because it had had no case.

Nevertheless, are you a bishop, priest or deacon of the Roman Obedience who is ministering in any of the Red Wall areas: the three Northern regions, the two Midland regions, and North Wales? (Why that matters will become evident from an emerging project.)

If so, then do you believe that I am guilty of the charges against me, meaning that my accusers are telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? Please email to say so. No names will be used, but a running total will appear here every day.

The current total is zero. There is no bishop, priest or deacon of the Roman Obedience who is ministering in the North of England, the Midlands, or North Wales, and who believes my accusers to be anything other than liars.

Meanwhile, the Patrons of my parliamentary campaign at North West Durham now include, as private citizens, the 12 archbishops and diocesan bishops of the Red Wall dioceses of Birmingham, Hallam, Hexham and Newcastle, Lancaster, Leeds, Liverpool, Middlesbrough, Northampton, Nottingham, Salford, Shrewsbury, and Wrexham, together with the clergy of the Escomb and Pontop Partnerships, each of which falls partly in the North West Durham constituency.

Oliver Kamm Arrest Watch: Day 178

There is more evidence to arrest Oliver Kamm than there was to convict me, and he clams up over on Guido Fawkes when asked whether or not he has been arrested. So, has Oliver Kamm been arrested? If not, why not?

Kamm faked a death threat against himself, and he used a contact at Durham, who ought also to be arrested and who may in fact have been so, to try and pin it on me. That incident is so similar to the one of which I was convicted as to call into question my conviction. A daily update will appear here until further notice.

Oliver Kamm Libel Watch: Day 209

Oliver Kamm, you are a liar, and as such you are unfit to hold your position on The Times.

Sue me.

Your bizarre CapX article, as well as numerous other statements of yours since then, have had nothing to do with the substance of my previous court case, in relation to which I maintain my innocence. So they have not already been tested in court. And they are lies.

You made up the "anti-Semitic death threat" against yourself, in a language that I could not read, and even though you are not Jewish. I was present when the Police literally laughed it out.

Like me, the Police know how you did it; they know who in Durham you used, and so do I. Eventually, you will either do time for this, or it will see you sent to a psychiatric institution, possibly both.

You are a stalker with an acknowledged history of mental illness, and I can see less and less reason why I ought not to move to have you committed. Or sent to prison. By the criteria that were used to convict me, then that would be an open and shut case.

Next time that you try and frame someone, then do not use a language, and even a script, that your target cannot read. The Police tend to laugh out that kind of thing.

Oliver Kamm, you are a liar, and as such you are unfit to hold your position on The Times. Sue me. This post will appear here daily until you do.

Saturday 30 January 2021

A Direct Blow

You do have to scroll down, but underneath everything else, Peter Hitchens is doing a much better job than Ab Starmer is:

I should have worried more about the TV series Spooks, which glamorised MI5 as a heroic defender of the nation against terrorism.

We have now got far too complacent about this rather creepy organisation, with its enormous budget and its increasingly political remit. I wonder when it will finally get the power of arrest, which will make it truly dangerous?

We have also allowed the police to go down the same path. Infiltrating undercover agents into organisations which are essentially political, as well as into actual criminal gangs. Personally, I don’t think this is especially effective at preventing crime, or right. Now, having created this monster, the Government is trying to regulate it.

And what a mess they are in. The Covert Human Intelligence Sources Bill actually licenses government informers to commit crimes to help them stay undercover – a direct blow at the rule of law.

If that is not bad enough, it permits children to be used as undercover spies by more than 20 state agencies. Children aged 16 and 17 could even be recruited to spy on their own parents. The only safeguard is that such child spies should only be used in ‘exceptional circumstances’, which has all the force of a wet paper bag.

Much praise is due to the few MPs who are fighting this nasty development, and to the much larger contingent in the Lords who have repeatedly tried to torpedo it. If you create such powers, they will be used, and in ways that nobody thinks of now.

The most hateful thing I ever saw in my years in Moscow was a statue to Pavlik Morozov, a (probably mythical) child who had denounced his own parents to the authorities, and then been murdered by his grandfather. Millions of children in the Evil Empire were brought up to revere and admire this little toad.

When Communism fell, the Morozov idol disappeared from the park where it had stood and has not been seen since. At the rate we are going, perhaps it will end up on the empty plinth in Trafalgar Square.

"20 Points Ahead"?

A seven point swing to the Conservatives, who are still polling above 40 per cent. But be fair, this is such a competent Government. Trying to oppose it must be a nightmare. 

Labour MPs cannot blame anyone else this time. They absolutely insisted on this Leader, and he is nothing if not representative of most of them.

Expectation Management, Indeed

To hold elections while campaigning was illegal would come very close to rigging them in favour of the incumbents.

But if preparing for 400 losses at the local elections, including the loss of control of several councils, is Labour’s idea of expectation management, then what must it really be expecting?

The party’s MPs wanted Keir Starmer as Leader. This is on them. And they should bear in mind that the seats lost had been held, or in a few cases gained, in 2017, under Jeremy Corbyn.

Starmer also wants to vaccinate teachers ahead of everyone else, and damn the sick and the old, because like the Government he is completely obsessed with reopening the schools, and damn the sick and the old. Own it, Labour MPs. Own it.

You may remember the Equality and Human Rights Commission. Well, its new Chair, who has of course been appointed by the Conservative Government, does not support the IHRA Definition, calling it, “extremely poorly worded and probably unactionable in law.” Yet you cannot be a member of the Labour Party unless you subscribed to the IHRA Definition.

Mind you, until very recently, you could be expelled from the Labour Party if you suggested that Holocaust Memorial Day might be extended to cover genocide in general. Perhaps you still could be. Yet this week, that became the position of the Board of Deputies of British Jews. You may remember that, too.

Actually Going On

“I don’t suppose gravity existed until someone had a name for it. I don’t really understand how other mammals manage to reproduce at all without being told what category they are,” writes Suzanne Moore

“The virus is not a social construction either. It is all too real. Just as new vaccines come on line, we are living in a profoundly anti-science moment and these arguments around biological sex are part of it.

“They come from people who should know better but sadly refuse to see what is actually going on all around them. The anti-vaxx brigade do not have the monopoly of cult thinking.”

Nor, one might add, do the deniers of biological sex.

The Holden-Nut Nuts Challenge: Day 61

Richard Holden, Princess Nut Nuts testified against you at the trial at which you were acquitted, and since your election she has repeatedly blocked your promotion.

So why do you want the country to be run by her? This question will appear here every day until you have answered it. I am the declared and active Independent candidate for North West Durham.

Oliver Kamm Candidacy Watch: Day 66

Oliver Kamm, you consider that Richard Holden, Laura Pidcock and I are all unfit to be Members of Parliament.

In that case, then you need to announce your own parliamentary candidacy here at North West Durham. 

Put up or shut up. This post will appear daily until you do.

The Pidcock-Starmer Challenge: Day 75

Election to the National Executive Committee at Stage One is the stuff of Labour royalty, and 824 of Laura Pidcock's voters expressed no other preference.

Add quite that level of popularity within the party to the fact that she still lives here in North West Durham, and to the fact that she lost this seat by only 1,144 votes.

All in all, she is already the Labour candidate for North West Durham at the General Election of 2024. There is a certain amount of paperwork to be done, but it is nothing more than that.

Any Labour candidate at that Election will either believe that Keir Starmer ought to become Prime Minister, or will at least be pretending to believe that.

Laura is not the pretending type, so the question is this: Laura Pidcock, why do you want Keir Starmer to become Prime Minister?

Not, "Why do you want a Labour Government?" Why do you want Keir Starmer to become Prime Minister?

This question will appear here every day until you have answered it.

I am the declared and active Independent candidate for North West Durham.

Suicide Watch: Day 98

The two of you who are planning to drag me back to court, the Crown has been granted an adjournment because you have no case. And I am still here. What you really want is for me to commit suicide, which strongly suggests that you have been successful in that regard in the past. One of you has already spent nearly 20 years trying to bring about my death by my own hand. Every time that either of you sends the Police round, or what have you, then that is the intention.

But that will never be the effect. You have met your match in me, and you need to remember that while I am not permitted to name you here, you would be named in court if you pursued me there. You would be named in court as having tried to drive a man to suicide. Would that be good for business? Would that be good for political advancement? Would the Church see that as good for the Church? Think on.

This post will appear daily while you continued your doomed campaign to force me to take my own life. Each of you has clearly succeeded in forcing other people to take their own lives. But I say again, to each and both of you, that you have met your match in me. As one of you ought to have worked out a long time ago.

CPS Watch: Day 98

Keir Starmer's Crown Prosecution Service does not deny that it is an enforcement agency of the right-wing Labour machine, and that its behaviour towards me at every point has proved that conclusively, as that behaviour continues to do.

The CPS does not deny that it corrupted the jury at my trial, and that it would do the same to any jury, or to any bench of magistrates, that might try me in future. If I were ever to be convicted of anything again, then that point would be proved.

The Director of Public Prosecutions, Max Hill, does not dispute that he knows me to be innocent of the offences with which he has charged me.

His predecessor, Alison Saunders, does not dispute that she has always known me to have been innocent of the offences with which she charged me and arranged to have me convicted.

Saunders, Hill and the CPS do not dispute that they have persecuted me, and that they continue to do so, purely in order to advance their professional, political and social lives on and around the right wing of the Labour Party.

And Saunders, Hill and the CPS do not dispute that, since I am nothing special, they are certainly doing this to dozens of other people at any given time.

This post will appear daily until there is any change in the above circumstances. I am a declared and active candidate for the parliamentary seat of North West Durham at the next General Election.

My imprisonment prior to the next General Election would make me the First Past the Post, just as my conviction prior to the last one would have saved my deposit. My enemies need to think on.

Clergy Watch: Day 107

On 4th November, at Peterlee Magistrates' Court, you could not after all come along and witness the latest instalment in the lawfare against me by the right-wing Labour machine, including under it Sunday name. That same Court had granted the Crown an adjournment because it had had no case.

Nevertheless, are you a bishop, priest or deacon of the Roman Obedience who is ministering in any of the Red Wall areas: the three Northern regions, the two Midland regions, and North Wales? (Why that matters will become evident from an emerging project.)

If so, then do you believe that I am guilty of the charges against me, meaning that my accusers are telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? Please email to say so. No names will be used, but a running total will appear here every day.

The current total is zero. There is no bishop, priest or deacon of the Roman Obedience who is ministering in the North of England, the Midlands, or North Wales, and who believes my accusers to be anything other than liars.

Meanwhile, the Patrons of my parliamentary campaign at North West Durham now include, as private citizens, the 12 archbishops and diocesan bishops of the Red Wall dioceses of Birmingham, Hallam, Hexham and Newcastle, Lancaster, Leeds, Liverpool, Middlesbrough, Northampton, Nottingham, Salford, Shrewsbury, and Wrexham, together with the clergy of the Escomb and Pontop Partnerships, each of which falls partly in the North West Durham constituency.

Oliver Kamm Arrest Watch: Day 177

There is more evidence to arrest Oliver Kamm than there was to convict me, and he clams up over on Guido Fawkes when asked whether or not he has been arrested. So, has Oliver Kamm been arrested? If not, why not?

Kamm faked a death threat against himself, and he used a contact at Durham, who ought also to be arrested and who may in fact have been so, to try and pin it on me. That incident is so similar to the one of which I was convicted as to call into question my conviction. A daily update will appear here until further notice.

Oliver Kamm Libel Watch: Day 208

Oliver Kamm, you are a liar, and as such you are unfit to hold your position on The Times.

Sue me.

Your bizarre CapX article, as well as numerous other statements of yours since then, have had nothing to do with the substance of my previous court case, in relation to which I maintain my innocence. So they have not already been tested in court. And they are lies.

You made up the "anti-Semitic death threat" against yourself, in a language that I could not read, and even though you are not Jewish. I was present when the Police literally laughed it out.

Like me, the Police know how you did it; they know who in Durham you used, and so do I. Eventually, you will either do time for this, or it will see you sent to a psychiatric institution, possibly both.

You are a stalker with an acknowledged history of mental illness, and I can see less and less reason why I ought not to move to have you committed. Or sent to prison. By the criteria that were used to convict me, then that would be an open and shut case.

Next time that you try and frame someone, then do not use a language, and even a script, that your target cannot read. The Police tend to laugh out that kind of thing.

Oliver Kamm, you are a liar, and as such you are unfit to hold your position on The Times. Sue me. This post will appear here daily until you do.

Friday 29 January 2021

Kicking Them In The Ballots

Should this year's local elections go ahead, then Labour is bracing itself for heavy losses. 

But any seats that it lost this year would be seats that it had held in 2017, under the Leadership of Jeremy Corbyn. Corbyn could hold those seats, but Keir Starmer could not.

Or in a few cases, as with one of the two seats here in Lanchester, it would have gained those seats under Corbyn. Only to lose them again under Starmer.

The seats that are being carried over from last year were held or gained in 2016, also under Corbyn.

"You're unelectable," says the Labour Right. But not for the first time, the reply from the Left is going to be, "Well, so are you."

Don't Fake It, Make It

It turns out that we were right all along about the EU. And not unconnectedly, it turns out that some of us were right all along that, yes, it did indeed matter where our manufacturing was located.

Labour and the Conservatives have both been wrong about that for a very long time, with only a partial exception under Jeremy Corbyn, while the Liberal Democrats have never been right about it.

But I am the Independent parliamentary candidate for North West Durham. What are you doing?

Take Up The White Man's Burden

Hitherto, holding a British National (Overseas) passport has not even entitled you to register for the Registered Traveller service for clearing British immigration. For that, you would have needed the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Passport, which was and is issued by China. These people's connection to Britain really is rather tenuous.

The Conservative Party won 317 seats in 2017, the hardcore Tory heartlands. Send 10,000 Hongkongers to each of them. Let there be a new town in each of those leafy shire seats which were blue on the map every time. Anyone could live there, but the original 10,000 inhabitants would be Cantonese. Who could object to that?

There are also longstanding ties between Hong Kong and Northern Ireland, where it was said for many years, before the recent mass revival of Irish there, that Cantonese was the second most widely spoken first language. The 10 constituencies that elected DUP MPs in 2017 might therefore share the load. Seven of those would easily be rural enough to accommodate a new town apiece.

So that is 327 constituencies altogether. Take out the 24 most urban Conservative ones and the three DUP ones with the word Belfast in their names, and then build a new town, initially for 10,000 Hongkongers, in each of the remaining 300. "Ye dare not stoop to less."

The reason why people who were now entitled to BN(O) status were not simply given British citizenship was because the Thatcher Government and its media supporters were having none of it. The mere suggestion led to claims that there would be opium dens on every High Street and what have you. How times change.

How, indeed. Margaret Thatcher's argument for the Falklands War was not that the Falkland Islanders were entitled to self-determination, but that they were "of British stock". Those were her words. Knowing its audience, the Falkland Islands Government seems to require that filming for domestic British audiences must scrupulously avoid showing the large number of inconveniently brown Saint Helenians who now lived and worked there.

But Britain has become ethnically diverse down to every ward, it has a large and rapidly growing mixed-race population, and there are people living in Britain from every inhabited territory in the world. In that globally unique context, then what does being "of British stock" mean, even before the arrival of a further three million Cantonese?

Leaving only the argument from self-determination. That could never have been used in relation to Hong Kong, since the Chinese were always going to have been entitled to their own territory back once the lease had run out. But it is unanswerable in relation to the Chagos Islands, whose predicament is not the fault of the Thatcher Government, but of the rancid right wing of the Labour Party from Denis Healey to David Miliband, and over whose homeland Britain has been found to have had no sovereignty by everybody and every body that has bothered to check.

The Holden-Nut Nuts Challenge: Day 60

Richard Holden, Princess Nut Nuts testified against you at the trial at which you were acquitted, and since your election she has repeatedly blocked your promotion.

So why do you want the country to be run by her? This question will appear here every day until you have answered it. I am the declared and active Independent candidate for North West Durham.

Oliver Kamm Candidacy Watch: Day 65

Oliver Kamm, you consider that Richard Holden, Laura Pidcock and I are all unfit to be Members of Parliament.

In that case, then you need to announce your own parliamentary candidacy here at North West Durham. 

Put up or shut up. This post will appear daily until you do.

The Pidcock-Starmer Challenge: Day 74

Election to the National Executive Committee at Stage One is the stuff of Labour royalty, and 824 of Laura Pidcock's voters expressed no other preference.

Add quite that level of popularity within the party to the fact that she still lives here in North West Durham, and to the fact that she lost this seat by only 1,144 votes.

All in all, she is already the Labour candidate for North West Durham at the General Election of 2024. There is a certain amount of paperwork to be done, but it is nothing more than that.

Any Labour candidate at that Election will either believe that Keir Starmer ought to become Prime Minister, or will at least be pretending to believe that.

Laura is not the pretending type, so the question is this: Laura Pidcock, why do you want Keir Starmer to become Prime Minister?

Not, "Why do you want a Labour Government?" Why do you want Keir Starmer to become Prime Minister?

This question will appear here every day until you have answered it.

I am the declared and active Independent candidate for North West Durham.

Suicide Watch: Day 97

The two of you who are planning to drag me back to court, the Crown has been granted an adjournment because you have no case. And I am still here. What you really want is for me to commit suicide, which strongly suggests that you have been successful in that regard in the past. One of you has already spent nearly 20 years trying to bring about my death by my own hand. Every time that either of you sends the Police round, or what have you, then that is the intention.

But that will never be the effect. You have met your match in me, and you need to remember that while I am not permitted to name you here, you would be named in court if you pursued me there. You would be named in court as having tried to drive a man to suicide. Would that be good for business? Would that be good for political advancement? Would the Church see that as good for the Church? Think on.

This post will appear daily while you continued your doomed campaign to force me to take my own life. Each of you has clearly succeeded in forcing other people to take their own lives. But I say again, to each and both of you, that you have met your match in me. As one of you ought to have worked out a long time ago.

CPS Watch: Day 97

Keir Starmer's Crown Prosecution Service does not deny that it is an enforcement agency of the right-wing Labour machine, and that its behaviour towards me at every point has proved that conclusively, as that behaviour continues to do.

The CPS does not deny that it corrupted the jury at my trial, and that it would do the same to any jury, or to any bench of magistrates, that might try me in future. If I were ever to be convicted of anything again, then that point would be proved.

The Director of Public Prosecutions, Max Hill, does not dispute that he knows me to be innocent of the offences with which he has charged me.

His predecessor, Alison Saunders, does not dispute that she has always known me to have been innocent of the offences with which she charged me and arranged to have me convicted.

Saunders, Hill and the CPS do not dispute that they have persecuted me, and that they continue to do so, purely in order to advance their professional, political and social lives on and around the right wing of the Labour Party.

And Saunders, Hill and the CPS do not dispute that, since I am nothing special, they are certainly doing this to dozens of other people at any given time.

This post will appear daily until there is any change in the above circumstances. I am a declared and active candidate for the parliamentary seat of North West Durham at the next General Election.

My imprisonment prior to the next General Election would make me the First Past the Post, just as my conviction prior to the last one would have saved my deposit. My enemies need to think on.

Clergy Watch: Day 106

On 4th November, at Peterlee Magistrates' Court, you could not after all come along and witness the latest instalment in the lawfare against me by the right-wing Labour machine, including under it Sunday name. That same Court had granted the Crown an adjournment because it had had no case.

Nevertheless, are you a bishop, priest or deacon of the Roman Obedience who is ministering in any of the Red Wall areas: the three Northern regions, the two Midland regions, and North Wales? (Why that matters will become evident from an emerging project.)

If so, then do you believe that I am guilty of the charges against me, meaning that my accusers are telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? Please email to say so. No names will be used, but a running total will appear here every day.

The current total is zero. There is no bishop, priest or deacon of the Roman Obedience who is ministering in the North of England, the Midlands, or North Wales, and who believes my accusers to be anything other than liars.

Meanwhile, the Patrons of my parliamentary campaign at North West Durham now include, as private citizens, the 12 archbishops and diocesan bishops of the Red Wall dioceses of Birmingham, Hallam, Hexham and Newcastle, Lancaster, Leeds, Liverpool, Middlesbrough, Northampton, Nottingham, Salford, Shrewsbury, and Wrexham, together with the clergy of the Escomb and Pontop Partnerships, each of which falls partly in the North West Durham constituency.

Oliver Kamm Arrest Watch: Day 176

There is more evidence to arrest Oliver Kamm than there was to convict me, and he clams up over on Guido Fawkes when asked whether or not he has been arrested. So, has Oliver Kamm been arrested? If not, why not?

Kamm faked a death threat against himself, and he used a contact at Durham, who ought also to be arrested and who may in fact have been so, to try and pin it on me. That incident is so similar to the one of which I was convicted as to call into question my conviction. A daily update will appear here until further notice.

Oliver Kamm Libel Watch: Day 207

Oliver Kamm, you are a liar, and as such you are unfit to hold your position on The Times.

Sue me.

Your bizarre CapX article, as well as numerous other statements of yours since then, have had nothing to do with the substance of my previous court case, in relation to which I maintain my innocence. So they have not already been tested in court. And they are lies.

You made up the "anti-Semitic death threat" against yourself, in a language that I could not read, and even though you are not Jewish. I was present when the Police literally laughed it out.

Like me, the Police know how you did it; they know who in Durham you used, and so do I. Eventually, you will either do time for this, or it will see you sent to a psychiatric institution, possibly both.

You are a stalker with an acknowledged history of mental illness, and I can see less and less reason why I ought not to move to have you committed. Or sent to prison. By the criteria that were used to convict me, then that would be an open and shut case.

Next time that you try and frame someone, then do not use a language, and even a script, that your target cannot read. The Police tend to laugh out that kind of thing.

Oliver Kamm, you are a liar, and as such you are unfit to hold your position on The Times. Sue me. This post will appear here daily until you do.

The Ones That Do Remain Are Soon To Vanish

Yesterday, it was something or other about Nicola Sturgeon and trans. Today, it is something or other about her, the EU, and the vaccine.

Before the Abdication Crisis, and again before the breaking of the Profumo scandal, the newspapers used to juxtapose apparently unconnected stories and photographs relating to the protagonists, for the amusement of people in the know. 

And here we are again. But this is the real story.

Loved By The Bad, Feared By The Good

Joe Biden's new Treasury Secretary, Janet Yellen, has taken $810,000 in speaking fees from Citadel, which provides 70 per cent of Robinhood's cash flow.

Voting for the lesser evil is still voting for evil. And there was no lesser evil between Biden and Donald Trump.

Thursday 28 January 2021

It's Being So Cheerful That Keeps Him Going?

"I used to think that Mona Lott was a fictional character," drawled Jacob Rees-Mogg, before identifying her as in fact Nicola Sturgeon.

It's That Man Again was last broadcast in 1949, 20 years before Rees-Mogg's birth. He is younger than Damon Albarn and Noel Gallagher.

Young Fogeys were a youth subculture of the 1980s, if a small one. Rees-Mogg has been nothing if not faithful to it. 

But that was what it was. He may as well conduct his parliamentary duties dressed up as a member of Duran Duran.

Age Appropriate?

The increase in the number of children and teenagers running about was one of the most obvious changes in this country between the turn of the century and the eve of the pandemic.

Britain has a younger population than many other developed countries. Our "ageing population" is largely a myth, or at least it is a generation out of date. 

But Britain also has a far worse record than any other developed country when it comes to dealing with Covid-19, even though that does indeed disproportionately affect the old.

Think on.

In Tutela Nostra Limuria

I am proud and delighted that my trade union has expressed its solidarity with the Indian farmers and workers. Our people should be active in the trade unions appropriate to their jobs where applicable, or otherwise in Unite Community.

And I am quite giddy with glee that the maritime law tribunal of the United Nations has ruled that Britain has no sovereignty over the Chagos Islands. Never mind Mauritius. Onwards to self-determination.

Ask Alex Salmond, or Julian Assange, or Jeremy Corbyn, all of whom are stalwarts. Nothing annoys the powers that be more than taking up the cause of the Chagossians. There could not be a better reason.

Consent No More

A recent Radio Four documentary on the huge increase in reports of child sexual abuse by women has attracted the pertinent criticism that many perpetrators might now be men who self-identified as women. 

But a conviction today indicates that these things do indeed go on, and there is an ongoing storyline in EastEnders, in both cases involving postpubescent boys. Mick Carter is presumably supposed to be the same age as new grandfather Danny Dyer, who, like me, was born in 1977. In our formative years, there was no male heterosexual age of consent, and there never had been.

2003 was the midpoint nadir of Tony Blair’s horrendous second term. The House of Commons approved the Iraq War. As the price of that war, it passed the hunting ban on the specific understanding that it would be a dead letter from the start, with neither the Prime Minister nor the Government Chief Whip voting in favour of it.

It abolished the protection against double jeopardy. It extended Police stop and search powers, and it allowed for persons who were merely accompanying the Police to participate actively in searches. It enabled the Police to issue conditional cautions that might still lead to a prosecution.

It permitted the admission of hearsay, and of a defendant’s previous convictions and general bad character, but it restricted the cross-examination of prosecution witnesses on their own criminal records. It provided for leading City figures to be acquitted of fraud by judges sitting alone.

It abolished the right of prisoners to apply to the High Court for bail, but it extended the right of the prosecution to appeal against the decision of a Magistrates’ Court to grant bail. It required that a list of defence witnesses, along with their names and addresses, be given for interview by the Police, and that the details of any defence expert witness instructed be given to the prosecution, whether or not that witness were then used. 

It empowered the prosecution to appeal against rulings of Crown Court judges that terminated cases or excluded evidence. It introduced indeterminate sentence of imprisonment for public protection for offences that would otherwise carry a maximum sentence of 10 years.

It made it a criminal offence for two people under the age of 16 to kiss each other; like the hunting ban, that was on the stated understanding that only a message was being sent, with absolutely no intention of any attempt at enforcement.

And it created a male heterosexual age of consent of 16 by default due to political horsetrading among the feminist and gay groups around Harriet Harman, of all people, which insisted that both sexes and all acts be treated in exactly the same way.

That would be fine, except that the age of criminal responsibility remains 10, meaning that boys can be prosecuted for rape, itself significantly redefined in 2003, six years before they can legally have consensual sex. And they are. Indeed, boys who allege abuse by women are routinely accused of having raped them. It is topical again this week, so what, exactly, would be the correct conviction rate for rape, and why, exactly?

We need a criminal offence of sexual activity with any person under the age of 18 who was more than two years younger than oneself, with a maximum sentence equal to twice the difference in age, and the abolition of different rules for “positions of trust”. 

We need to ban abortion and contraception for those under 18 at least without parental knowledge and consent, just as they thankfully cannot now be given puberty blockers. What sort of parent would want to put his underage daughter on the Pill, anyway? There is only one possible reason for doing so.

We need the replacement of the existing categories of sexual assault with aggravating circumstances to the general categories of offences against the person, such that the sentences could be doubled. There should be no anonymity either for adult defendants or for adult complainants. Either we have an open system of justice, or we do not.

We need to rule out the legal possibility of being a specifically sexual assailant below an age of consent that had been raised to 18, and we need to specify that intoxication was a bar to sexual consent only insofar as it would have been a bar to driving. We need to end the blocking of progress into paid or voluntary work even though one had been acquitted. C5 notices should be outlawed.

And we need to make it a criminal offence for anyone aged 21 or over to buy or sell sex, with equal sentencing on both sides. The Universal Basic Income, the Jobs Guarantee, and the dividends from public stakes in the FTSE 500 companies, distributed equally to everyone, would remove any conceivable excuse for prostituting oneself.

This would of course include filmed or photographed prostitution. We need to define obscenity as material depicting acts that were themselves illegal or which was reasonably likely to incite or encourage such acts, with sentencing the same as for the illegal act in question in each case, and with the law enforced equally in relation to both sexes.

Many of us ended up as exasperated critics of Jeremy Corbyn’s. But we were not his enemies. When it came to those, then nothing struck more fear into their hearts than his popularity with young men. 

Alongside a collapse in male employment that had in any case largely happened by the time that they had come along, the defining experience of their own politics had been to have grown up under Governments, of all three parties, that had harvested young men in wars with a sheer pointlessness that had not been since 1918.

Hence their attraction and attachment to a politician who has opposed every single one of those wars, just as he had opposed the collapse in that employment. Think on.

Yet Here We Are

Andrew Rossindell has put in the hard work, but there is no denying that a commitment to allow tenants to keep pets was in the Labour manifesto. Indeed, it was cited as an example both of policy-heaviness and of a lack of realism. Yet here we are.

On a much larger scale, and to give credit where it is due, the Biden Administration has suspended arms sales to Saudi Arabia and to the United Arab Emirates. Calls for that from Jeremy Corbyn and Emily Thornberry were screamed down by the head-choppers' hired help on the benches behind them. The biggest rebellion of the Corbyn years was a mass abstention rather than condemn the British arming of the genocide in Yemen. Yet here we are.

Bouncing Back More Strongly Together?

Not yet two months after he had used Prime Minister's Questions to illustrate that he did not know the difference between Punjab and Kashmir, Boris Johnson used yesterday's to illustrate that he did not know the difference between the Scottish Liberal Democrats and the SNP. Yet today he has arrived in Scotland, where he can reasonably claim to be working, since he is doing exactly as much work as he ever does, namely none whatever.

At the same time, a polling company has found out what we could all have told it for free, that the majority of Conservative supporters in England was made up of those who were indifferent towards Scottish independence and those who were positively in favour of it. If Johnson really were interested in saving the Union, then he would find other things to do than to fly into Scotland, where he has not even mentioned the biggest political scandal of modern times.

It Is Not Anti-Democratic To Be Jury-Sceptical

Unlike jury service, you can refuse point blank to vote. You cannot be a juror if you are over the age of 75. All sorts of people are exempt from jury service. 

And anyone else with a job could probably get out of it if they badgered the doctor enough; the argument is a valid one that most working people's mental health would be adversely affected by the consequences of having to take an indefinite amount of time off.

Leaving only people who, although of working age and at least officially in reasonable to good health, either have nowhere else to be for an open-ended length of time, or have thrown everything else to the wind for the once in a lifetime opportunity to fulfil a lifelong yearning to hang, draw and quarter someone.

Juries are a good idea in principle.

The Holden-Nut Nuts Challenge: Day 59

Richard Holden, Princess Nut Nuts testified against you at the trial at which you were acquitted, and since your election she has repeatedly blocked your promotion.

So why do you want the country to be run by her? This question will appear here every day until you have answered it. I am the declared and active Independent candidate for North West Durham.

Oliver Kamm Candidacy Watch: Day 64

Oliver Kamm, you consider that Richard Holden, Laura Pidcock and I are all unfit to be Members of Parliament.

In that case, then you need to announce your own parliamentary candidacy here at North West Durham. 

Put up or shut up. This post will appear daily until you do.

The Pidcock-Starmer Challenge: Day 73

Election to the National Executive Committee at Stage One is the stuff of Labour royalty, and 824 of Laura Pidcock's voters expressed no other preference.

Add quite that level of popularity within the party to the fact that she still lives here in North West Durham, and to the fact that she lost this seat by only 1,144 votes.

All in all, she is already the Labour candidate for North West Durham at the General Election of 2024. There is a certain amount of paperwork to be done, but it is nothing more than that.

Any Labour candidate at that Election will either believe that Keir Starmer ought to become Prime Minister, or will at least be pretending to believe that.

Laura is not the pretending type, so the question is this: Laura Pidcock, why do you want Keir Starmer to become Prime Minister?

Not, "Why do you want a Labour Government?" Why do you want Keir Starmer to become Prime Minister?

This question will appear here every day until you have answered it.

I am the declared and active Independent candidate for North West Durham.

Suicide Watch: Day 96

The two of you who are planning to drag me back to court, the Crown has been granted an adjournment because you have no case. And I am still here. What you really want is for me to commit suicide, which strongly suggests that you have been successful in that regard in the past. One of you has already spent nearly 20 years trying to bring about my death by my own hand. Every time that either of you sends the Police round, or what have you, then that is the intention.

But that will never be the effect. You have met your match in me, and you need to remember that while I am not permitted to name you here, you would be named in court if you pursued me there. You would be named in court as having tried to drive a man to suicide. Would that be good for business? Would that be good for political advancement? Would the Church see that as good for the Church? Think on.

This post will appear daily while you continued your doomed campaign to force me to take my own life. Each of you has clearly succeeded in forcing other people to take their own lives. But I say again, to each and both of you, that you have met your match in me. As one of you ought to have worked out a long time ago.

CPS Watch: Day 96

Keir Starmer's Crown Prosecution Service does not deny that it is an enforcement agency of the right-wing Labour machine, and that its behaviour towards me at every point has proved that conclusively, as that behaviour continues to do.

The CPS does not deny that it corrupted the jury at my trial, and that it would do the same to any jury, or to any bench of magistrates, that might try me in future. If I were ever to be convicted of anything again, then that point would be proved.

The Director of Public Prosecutions, Max Hill, does not dispute that he knows me to be innocent of the offences with which he has charged me.

His predecessor, Alison Saunders, does not dispute that she has always known me to have been innocent of the offences with which she charged me and arranged to have me convicted.

Saunders, Hill and the CPS do not dispute that they have persecuted me, and that they continue to do so, purely in order to advance their professional, political and social lives on and around the right wing of the Labour Party.

And Saunders, Hill and the CPS do not dispute that, since I am nothing special, they are certainly doing this to dozens of other people at any given time.

This post will appear daily until there is any change in the above circumstances. I am a declared and active candidate for the parliamentary seat of North West Durham at the next General Election.

My imprisonment prior to the next General Election would make me the First Past the Post, just as my conviction prior to the last one would have saved my deposit. My enemies need to think on.

Clergy Watch: Day 115

On 4th November, at Peterlee Magistrates' Court, you could not after all come along and witness the latest instalment in the lawfare against me by the right-wing Labour machine, including under it Sunday name. That same Court had granted the Crown an adjournment because it had had no case.

Nevertheless, are you a bishop, priest or deacon of the Roman Obedience who is ministering in any of the Red Wall areas: the three Northern regions, the two Midland regions, and North Wales? (Why that matters will become evident from an emerging project.)

If so, then do you believe that I am guilty of the charges against me, meaning that my accusers are telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? Please email to say so. No names will be used, but a running total will appear here every day.

The current total is zero. There is no bishop, priest or deacon of the Roman Obedience who is ministering in the North of England, the Midlands, or North Wales, and who believes my accusers to be anything other than liars.

Meanwhile, the Patrons of my parliamentary campaign at North West Durham now include, as private citizens, the 12 archbishops and diocesan bishops of the Red Wall dioceses of Birmingham, Hallam, Hexham and Newcastle, Lancaster, Leeds, Liverpool, Middlesbrough, Northampton, Nottingham, Salford, Shrewsbury, and Wrexham, together with the clergy of the Escomb and Pontop Partnerships, each of which falls partly in the North West Durham constituency.

Oliver Kamm Arrest Watch: Day 175

There is more evidence to arrest Oliver Kamm than there was to convict me, and he clams up over on Guido Fawkes when asked whether or not he has been arrested. So, has Oliver Kamm been arrested? If not, why not?

Kamm faked a death threat against himself, and he used a contact at Durham, who ought also to be arrested and who may in fact have been so, to try and pin it on me. That incident is so similar to the one of which I was convicted as to call into question my conviction. A daily update will appear here until further notice.

Oliver Kamm Libel Watch: Day 206

Oliver Kamm, you are a liar, and as such you are unfit to hold your position on The Times.

Sue me.

Your bizarre CapX article, as well as numerous other statements of yours since then, have had nothing to do with the substance of my previous court case, in relation to which I maintain my innocence. So they have not already been tested in court. And they are lies.

You made up the "anti-Semitic death threat" against yourself, in a language that I could not read, and even though you are not Jewish. I was present when the Police literally laughed it out.

Like me, the Police know how you did it; they know who in Durham you used, and so do I. Eventually, you will either do time for this, or it will see you sent to a psychiatric institution, possibly both.

You are a stalker with an acknowledged history of mental illness, and I can see less and less reason why I ought not to move to have you committed. Or sent to prison. By the criteria that were used to convict me, then that would be an open and shut case.

Next time that you try and frame someone, then do not use a language, and even a script, that your target cannot read. The Police tend to laugh out that kind of thing.

Oliver Kamm, you are a liar, and as such you are unfit to hold your position on The Times. Sue me. This post will appear here daily until you do.

First They Came

Into the very recent past, people were expelled from the Labour Party for saying that Holocaust Remembrance Day ought to commemorate the victim of genocide more broadly.

And an entire chapter of Nick Cohen's Pretty Straight Guys, published in 2003, tore the whole event to shreds.

Think on.

Don't Be Gulled

On BBC Two at nine o'clock, there is to be what promises to be a fascinating documentary, DeLorean: Back from the Future.

It was Patricia Hewitt who told speakers at Labour Party Conferences, "Do not use the word "equality"; the preferred term is "fairness"." She it was, a mere Press Officer, who, in a sign of things to come, was not told where to get off for having presumed so to instruct her betters. 

She went on to help found the Institute for Public Policy Research, and then, soon after Tony Blair became Leader, to become Head of Research at Andersen Consulting. That was a position for which she had no apparent qualification beyond her closeness to the Prime Minister in Waiting.

In 1997, she entered Parliament, he entered Downing Street, and the Labour commitment to regulate such companies was dropped. 

As was the previous Conservative Government's absolute ban on all work for Andersen in view of its role in the DeLorean fraud. Andersen paid just over £21 million of the £200 million that Thatcher and Major had demanded, barely covering the Government's legal costs.

It went on to write, among other things, a report claiming that the Private Finance Initiative was good value for money. That was the only report on the subject that the Blair Government ever cited, since it was the only one to say that ridiculous thing. 

As Secretary of State for Trade and Industry, Hewitt tried to give auditors limited liability. It took the Conservative Opposition and the Bush Administration to see her off. Last September, she was made an Adviser to the Board of Trade.

Courting Disclosure

Jeremy Corbyn has failed to persuade a court to order the disclosure of documents relating to his suspension.

But it is a curious ruling. It says that Corbyn already has enough material with which to fight his case with a realistic hope of winning. That is pretty close to saying that giving him any more would just be unsporting on the Labour Party. 

Anyway, if Corbyn turned his new Project into a membership organisation at a rate of one pound per month, then it would be bigger than the Labour Party within three weeks. Labour would proscribe it, so hundreds of thousands of people would choose Corbyn instead.

The Holden-Nut Nuts Challenge: Day 58

Richard Holden, Princess Nut Nuts testified against you at the trial at which you were acquitted, and since your election she has repeatedly blocked your promotion.

So why do you want the country to be run by her? This question will appear here every day until you have answered it. I am the declared and active Independent candidate for North West Durham.

Oliver Kamm Candidacy Watch: Day 63

Oliver Kamm, you consider that Richard Holden, Laura Pidcock and I are all unfit to be Members of Parliament.

In that case, then you need to announce your own parliamentary candidacy here at North West Durham. 

Put up or shut up. This post will appear daily until you do.

The Pidcock-Starmer Challenge: Day 72

Election to the National Executive Committee at Stage One is the stuff of Labour royalty, and 824 of Laura Pidcock's voters expressed no other preference.

Add quite that level of popularity within the party to the fact that she still lives here in North West Durham, and to the fact that she lost this seat by only 1,144 votes.

All in all, she is already the Labour candidate for North West Durham at the General Election of 2024. There is a certain amount of paperwork to be done, but it is nothing more than that.

Any Labour candidate at that Election will either believe that Keir Starmer ought to become Prime Minister, or will at least be pretending to believe that.

Laura is not the pretending type, so the question is this: Laura Pidcock, why do you want Keir Starmer to become Prime Minister?

Not, "Why do you want a Labour Government?" Why do you want Keir Starmer to become Prime Minister?

This question will appear here every day until you have answered it.

I am the declared and active Independent candidate for North West Durham.

Suicide Watch: Day 95

The two of you who are planning to drag me back to court, the Crown has been granted an adjournment because you have no case. And I am still here. What you really want is for me to commit suicide, which strongly suggests that you have been successful in that regard in the past. One of you has already spent nearly 20 years trying to bring about my death by my own hand. Every time that either of you sends the Police round, or what have you, then that is the intention.

But that will never be the effect. You have met your match in me, and you need to remember that while I am not permitted to name you here, you would be named in court if you pursued me there. You would be named in court as having tried to drive a man to suicide. Would that be good for business? Would that be good for political advancement? Would the Church see that as good for the Church? Think on.

This post will appear daily while you continued your doomed campaign to force me to take my own life. Each of you has clearly succeeded in forcing other people to take their own lives. But I say again, to each and both of you, that you have met your match in me. As one of you ought to have worked out a long time ago.

CPS Watch: Day 95

Keir Starmer's Crown Prosecution Service does not deny that it is an enforcement agency of the right-wing Labour machine, and that its behaviour towards me at every point has proved that conclusively, as that behaviour continues to do.

The CPS does not deny that it corrupted the jury at my trial, and that it would do the same to any jury, or to any bench of magistrates, that might try me in future. If I were ever to be convicted of anything again, then that point would be proved.

The Director of Public Prosecutions, Max Hill, does not dispute that he knows me to be innocent of the offences with which he has charged me.

His predecessor, Alison Saunders, does not dispute that she has always known me to have been innocent of the offences with which she charged me and arranged to have me convicted.

Saunders, Hill and the CPS do not dispute that they have persecuted me, and that they continue to do so, purely in order to advance their professional, political and social lives on and around the right wing of the Labour Party.

And Saunders, Hill and the CPS do not dispute that, since I am nothing special, they are certainly doing this to dozens of other people at any given time.

This post will appear daily until there is any change in the above circumstances. I am a declared and active candidate for the parliamentary seat of North West Durham at the next General Election.

My imprisonment prior to the next General Election would make me the First Past the Post, just as my conviction prior to the last one would have saved my deposit. My enemies need to think on.

Clergy Watch: Day 114

On 4th November, at Peterlee Magistrates' Court, you could not after all come along and witness the latest instalment in the lawfare against me by the right-wing Labour machine, including under it Sunday name. That same Court had granted the Crown an adjournment because it had had no case.

Nevertheless, are you a bishop, priest or deacon of the Roman Obedience who is ministering in any of the Red Wall areas: the three Northern regions, the two Midland regions, and North Wales? (Why that matters will become evident from an emerging project.)

If so, then do you believe that I am guilty of the charges against me, meaning that my accusers are telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? Please email to say so. No names will be used, but a running total will appear here every day.

The current total is zero. There is no bishop, priest or deacon of the Roman Obedience who is ministering in the North of England, the Midlands, or North Wales, and who believes my accusers to be anything other than liars.

Meanwhile, the Patrons of my parliamentary campaign at North West Durham now include, as private citizens, the 12 archbishops and diocesan bishops of the Red Wall dioceses of Birmingham, Hallam, Hexham and Newcastle, Lancaster, Leeds, Liverpool, Middlesbrough, Northampton, Nottingham, Salford, Shrewsbury, and Wrexham, together with the clergy of the Escomb and Pontop Partnerships, each of which falls partly in the North West Durham constituency.

Oliver Kamm Arrest Watch: Day 174

There is more evidence to arrest Oliver Kamm than there was to convict me, and he clams up over on Guido Fawkes when asked whether or not he has been arrested. So, has Oliver Kamm been arrested? If not, why not?

Kamm faked a death threat against himself, and he used a contact at Durham, who ought also to be arrested and who may in fact have been so, to try and pin it on me. That incident is so similar to the one of which I was convicted as to call into question my conviction. A daily update will appear here until further notice.

Oliver Kamm Libel Watch: Day 205

Oliver Kamm, you are a liar, and as such you are unfit to hold your position on The Times.

Sue me.

Your bizarre CapX article, as well as numerous other statements of yours since then, have had nothing to do with the substance of my previous court case, in relation to which I maintain my innocence. So they have not already been tested in court. And they are lies.

You made up the "anti-Semitic death threat" against yourself, in a language that I could not read, and even though you are not Jewish. I was present when the Police literally laughed it out.

Like me, the Police know how you did it; they know who in Durham you used, and so do I. Eventually, you will either do time for this, or it will see you sent to a psychiatric institution, possibly both.

You are a stalker with an acknowledged history of mental illness, and I can see less and less reason why I ought not to move to have you committed. Or sent to prison. By the criteria that were used to convict me, then that would be an open and shut case.

Next time that you try and frame someone, then do not use a language, and even a script, that your target cannot read. The Police tend to laugh out that kind of thing.

Oliver Kamm, you are a liar, and as such you are unfit to hold your position on The Times. Sue me. This post will appear here daily until you do.

And Let Us Have Done With You

At Prime Minister's Questions today, when Keir Starmer fails to call for Boris Johnson's resignation, then who will call for Starmer's?

Tuesday 26 January 2021

Tested To Destruction

Remember when 20,000 deaths would have been "a good result"? Remember when "there were only more cases because we were testing more"? Well, now we are past 100,000 deaths. And Labour is still five points behind this.

Perhaps it is because Britain is a newly independent state? One of those is often run for decades on end by the same party, the same family, or even the same person. Hastings Banda was still the President of Malawi at the age of 96. Although having a similar taste in consorts, the 56-year-old Boris Johnson has a long way to go to match that.

Or perhaps Keir Starmer is just rubbish?

No Late Registration This Time

No white or male Democrat will challenge Kamala Harris in 2024. The Squad can wait. A Republican nominee and a Trump, quite possibly Mike Pence and Donald Trump, will split the vote between them.

You all laughed at Kanye West, but he had good ideas, and he now has the time to put together his candidacy. Only he can save America and the world from President Harris.

The Holden-Nut Nuts Challenge: Day 57

Richard Holden, Princess Nut Nuts testified against you at the trial at which you were acquitted, and since your election she has repeatedly blocked your promotion.

So why do you want the country to be run by her? This question will appear here every day until you have answered it. I am the declared and active Independent candidate for North West Durham.

Oliver Kamm Candidacy Watch: Day 62

Oliver Kamm, you consider that Richard Holden, Laura Pidcock and I are all unfit to be Members of Parliament.

In that case, then you need to announce your own parliamentary candidacy here at North West Durham. 

Put up or shut up. This post will appear daily until you do.

The Pidcock-Starmer Challenge: Day 71

Election to the National Executive Committee at Stage One is the stuff of Labour royalty, and 824 of Laura Pidcock's voters expressed no other preference.

Add quite that level of popularity within the party to the fact that she still lives here in North West Durham, and to the fact that she lost this seat by only 1,144 votes.

All in all, she is already the Labour candidate for North West Durham at the General Election of 2024. There is a certain amount of paperwork to be done, but it is nothing more than that.

Any Labour candidate at that Election will either believe that Keir Starmer ought to become Prime Minister, or will at least be pretending to believe that.

Laura is not the pretending type, so the question is this: Laura Pidcock, why do you want Keir Starmer to become Prime Minister?

Not, "Why do you want a Labour Government?" Why do you want Keir Starmer to become Prime Minister?

This question will appear here every day until you have answered it.

I am the declared and active Independent candidate for North West Durham.

Suicide Watch: Day 94

The two of you who are planning to drag me back to court, the Crown has been granted an adjournment because you have no case. And I am still here. What you really want is for me to commit suicide, which strongly suggests that you have been successful in that regard in the past. One of you has already spent nearly 20 years trying to bring about my death by my own hand. Every time that either of you sends the Police round, or what have you, then that is the intention.

But that will never be the effect. You have met your match in me, and you need to remember that while I am not permitted to name you here, you would be named in court if you pursued me there. You would be named in court as having tried to drive a man to suicide. Would that be good for business? Would that be good for political advancement? Would the Church see that as good for the Church? Think on.

This post will appear daily while you continued your doomed campaign to force me to take my own life. Each of you has clearly succeeded in forcing other people to take their own lives. But I say again, to each and both of you, that you have met your match in me. As one of you ought to have worked out a long time ago.