"Renewables" have their place. And wind turbines, like the turbines that are used to extract tidal energy, are made of steel. Now, how do you think that steel is made? Britain was the world leader in clean coal technology until the Miners' Strike, and Britain must be that world leader again. In reopening pits, the Conservatives now concede that the miners were right. Too bad about the Labour Party.
So yes, "renewables" have their place within the all-of-the-above energy policy that, among other things, would make possible an all-of-the-above transport policy. The triple core of that energy policy is civil nuclear power, what have always been known to be this country's vast reverses of coal, and what are now known to be this country's significant reserves of lithium.
In each constituency in 2024, there should be one candidate, of any party or none, who subscribed to this and this. The complete list of those candidates would appear here, and anywhere else that would publish it. If I could raise enough money to be a viable candidate, then I would contest the seat where the most people had offered to sign my nomination papers. Please give generously.
The glass in solar panels is made out of quartz (also mined) and you guessed it, coal. The panels produce nowhere near as much energy as they use to make and they can't be recycled. The new pit in Cumbria so we can make steel again instead of importing it has been approved twice but it's been referred to the government for final approval and the government's 2050 net zero carbon target means it would have to close by 2049.