Tuesday, 18 August 2020

I Wouldn't Spit On It

Spitting Image? All that anyone ever said about that was that it was not as funny as it used to be. It was largely obsessed with the Royal Family. 

In the 1990s, I marvelled as comedians came to be seen as the authorities on everything. I am still stunned by it, after all these years. 

That industry now has a Prime Minister that it has created. So how is anyone supposed to satirise him? They can't. 

That is why none of it is ever directed at the people in power. The man with the most power is one of the gang. That was how he got there. 

It all goes back to the "satire boom" of the early 1960s. For as long as most people have been alive, then some public school Sixth Former from 1959 has been telling us all what to think.

If that was ever funny, then it no longer is.

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