Friday, 14 August 2020

Ermine Envy

What a thing is Ermine Envy. Claire Fox's peerage has brought home to certain people just how little they matter anymore. 

You can make it without being remotely where they are, and there is no longer anything that they can do about it. They are going to banging on about this particular elevation forever.

The Revolutionary Communist Party's remarkable progress is hope for us all yet. You do not have to compromise on anything, you never have to apologise or explain in the least, and you can still hit the big time.

The wailers cannot comprehend a country like that. Yet they are living in it. And in fact their own positions, especially but not exclusively on foreign policy, are at least as extreme, and vastly more destructive.

But they cannot work with anyone else, so they are the ones on the outside now. And don't they know it.

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