Tuesday, 1 October 2019

And Whose Army?

Boris Johnson has just doomed Northern Ireland. There will never be border posts, or whatever you wanted to call them, in Ireland again. If that were the price of anything, then it would be considered too high a price to pay.

The biggest tactical mistake that the IRA ever made was to start bombing England. Had it not antagonised a previously indifferent English population like that, then there would have been a 32 County Republic by the middle of the 1970s.

That would have happened regardless of who had been in Government, and nobody of any importance in London would have cared what anybody in the Six Counties thought of the matter.

Well, the IRA has not bombed England in many years, and it never will again. But the return of border posts would kick everything off along the Border, across which five Sinn Féin Commons constituencies out of five directly face four Sinn Féin Dáil constituencies out of four, with all nine of them stretching more than 10 miles from the Border.

Who would even man these posts? The Army? What Army? We barely have an Army these days.

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