Saturday, 14 September 2019

Left Where They Belong

Throughout the May Government, 85 per cent of Labour MPs were economically well to its right, and that suited them. They might have been discombobulated by the prospect of a Johnson Government, but Sajid Javid's attempt to imagine what an Ed Balls Budget might have been like will have reassured them no end. Not that anyone else will have noticed it.

Does that 85 per cent include Laura Pidcock? Well, on which specific point does she differ from it? If she had been five years older, then she would have been Jess Phillips. If she had been 10 years older, then she would have been Stella Creasy. Phillips and Creasy hold no view that is not also held by the SNP, by the Liberal Democrats, and by the majority, usually the very great majority, of Conservative MPs. If Pidcock does, then what, exactly, is it?

Another hung Parliament is coming, however, and we need our people to hold the balance of power in it. A new party is now in the process of registration. After nearly 30 years of suggestion, speculation, and even a sort of preparation, I will stand for Parliament here at North West Durham. The crowdfunding page is here, and buy the book here. Please email Very many thanks.

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