Thursday, 15 August 2019

Clearing Our Thoughts

No, of course requiring university applicants to have their A-levels, rather than "predicted grades", would not mean having to go through the entire admissions process in a couple of weeks. It would mean waiting a year and bit between getting those results and going to university.

Modern Monetary Theory's Jobs Guarantee, itself undergirded by the Universal Basic Income, would make that the easiest thing in the world, just as MMT would easily make it possible for the State to fund university education at any time of life, all the way up to doctoral level.

The fact that students from backgrounds with lower incomes or with lower social status are still having their grades underpredicted, nearly a decade after three terms of Labour Government came to an end, is as scandalous as the fact that apprentices and trainees still do not enjoy the same benefits as their peers in further and higher education. Between them, those two scandalous facts says everything that needs to be said about New Labour, to which most Labour MPs continue to adhere.

Another hung Parliament is coming, however, and we need our people to hold the balance of power in it. A new party is now in the process of registration. I will stand for Parliament here at North West Durham even if I can raise only the deposit, which I could do by going pretty overdrawn, although that was not how I was brought up. Buy the book here.

I would still prefer to raise the £10,000 necessary to mount a serious campaign, but I am no longer making my candidacy conditional on having done so. Please email Very many thanks.

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