Tuesday 12 February 2019

A Safe Zone No More

The increasingly impressive Martin Walker posts on Facebook: 

Hi, advanced warning as this is likely to cause a lot of problems for people in much of the village - just passing on what I've heard via the County/Parish Councils so please don't shoot the messenger! 

For an expected period of three days from 7.00 am on Friday 22 February 2019, the County Council intend to close Front Street, from the junction with Kitswell Road, plus a 20 metre length of Kitswell Road that extends northwards from Front Street, plus a 35 metre length of Newbiggen Lane that extends westwards from Front Street. 

So to get from say Broadoak Drive or Alderside Crescent to the village centre or the bypass, for three days, the County Council's advice is that they will need to travel a journey of several miles - up Newbiggen Lane, then along Humberhill Lane, then back into the village down Cadger Bank. 

For residents in the Kitswell Road area the map, the road entrance will be partially open via temporary traffic lights (as long as you turn left out of Kitswell Road). Apparently this is to enable carriageway resurfacing works. 

Difficult to believe, to say the least, that this is the only way the works could be delivered without inconveniencing residents - I have asked this question of the County Council but they didn't give much detail at all - they talked about 'large plant' and 'safe zones' but didn't make clear why, for example, the work couldn't be done at off peak times etc. 

Heaven knows, I am no Lib Dem. I am particularly suspicious of the Whig tradition in general, and I am no Remainer. But this. This is why Lanchester needs Martin Walker instead of ... well, let's not say his name, in case he appears, like Rumpelstiltskin. You are a doughty fighter for this community, Martin. You are just what we need.

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