Friday, 5 October 2018

Of Topping And Stuffing

I no more believe that Christine Blasey Ford knows that she was sexually assaulted by Brett Kavanaugh in particular than I believe that Hillary Clinton ran a child sex ring out of a pizzeria.

But having confirmed Kavanaugh, then those who had done so would not win another national election in 30 or 40 years, so it would be academic. 

Kavanaugh would not strike down legislation that they would not be in a position to enact in the first place, and which, by the way, would never have been about abortion, anyway. 

They need to get someone else. Or, quite literally, get stuffed.


  1. Kavanaugh would not strike down legislation that they would not be in a position to enact in the first place, and which, by the way, would never have been about abortion, anyway.

    The Supreme Court is in a position to enact legislation of its own-from
    Roe v Wade on, it’s been the most influential legislative chamber in the US for 50 years.

    The President is “in a position to enact legislation” on immigration (he already has) while Republican controlled State legislatures are in a position to enact legislation on abortion which wouldn’t be struck down by a conservative Supreme Court.

    They’re already preparing to do so if he’s nominated.

    You know nothing, dear sir.

    1. They'd lose those legislatures if he were confirmed. Not all of them at once, but all of them eventually, and quite quickly. The Republican Party is facing oblivion with this nomination.

      In any case, it has no interest in restricting abortion. Promising to do so without ever doing it is what keeps millions of people voting Republican. It is very telling that it has never nominated an opponent of abortion for President. Its nominees just pretend to have had sort of half-conversions on the issue. But they never really have had.

  2. If electing Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court wouldn’t help enact conservative legislation why are the Democrats and the Left fighting so hard and dirty to prevent it?

    Ask yourself..

    1. What was it you were saying earlier about walking, talking, screaming MAGA hats, Mr. Lindsay?
