Monday, 19 March 2018

Transitional Demands?

There was not a peep out of Bernard Jenkin, Jacob Rees-Mogg or any other Conservative MP when Theresa May sold out to the EU. But now that the EU has taken her at her word, they are pretending to have found their spines. Although not, of course, with a view to putting them to any use.

We tried to tell you that, we tried to tell them, that she was going to turn the United Kingdom into a colony, obliged to keep laws over which it would have no say, and into a satrapy, obliged to pay tribute to the imperium. If you believe in some "transitional period", then you ought not to be allowed out on your own. The only transition of interest to this Government is the transition back into full membership of the EU.

Never mind the Customs Union. Four amendments need to be tabled, and put to the vote on the floor of the House of Commons, to secure the extra £350 million per week for the National Health Service, to restore the United Kingdom's historic fishing rights of 200 miles or to the median line in accordance with international law, to seek a trade agreement with each of the BRICS countries while remaining thoroughly critical of all five of their current Governments, and to seek the integration into the Belt and Road Initiative of all four parts of the United Kingdom, of all nine English regions, and of all of the British Overseas Territories and the Crown Dependencies.

You know what you have to do, brothers and sisters. You know what you have to do.

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