Tuesday 30 January 2018

Our World, Indeed

Tune in to the BBC News Channel at 9:30pm on Saturday or Sunday. What was done to the children of RĂ©union was wicked, and it must be rectified.

Now, when is the BBC, including the Newsnight that covered this story last night, going to do something similar on what was done, and is still being done, to the people of the Chagos Islands? That, too, was wicked. That, too, must be rectified.

And never trust anyone who professes to support the Falkland Islanders (or the Gibraltarians, although they are about to go out of favour over Brexit), but who does not support the Chagossians.


  1. You should be making these programmes. And that final point is spot on.

  2. “never trust anyone who professes to support the Falkland Islands but who does not support the Chagossians.”

    The two situations don’t bear comparison.

    The Falkland Islands were illegally invaded by a foreign power while the Americans are legally in the Chagos Islands at the invitation of the British authorities.

    What’s the comparison?

    1. If you cannot see it, then, well, bluntly you are just a racist.

  3. This is hilarious.

    What serious person could compare the Falkland Islands, illegally invaded by a foreign power, with Chagos where the Americans have a legal base at the invitation of the British?

    1. If you cannot see it, then, well, bluntly you are just a racist.
