Sunday, 6 December 2015

The Daesh For Oil

Naughty, naughty, Nadhim Zahawi.

At least, and at last, he gets to be known for something other than his claiming of parliamentary expenses in order to heat his stables.

Is there a specific term for trading with the enemy in time of war?

All in all, this is a good time to be a Labour activist in the West Midlands.

Telford would be one thing, and a very good thing, too. But Stratford-on-Avon? It has happened before. But not by election.

Now, that really would be Momentum.


  1. This is why we need our own print and broadcast media, this and Lucy Allan.

    1. If you have half a billion pounds, then we can buy the Telegraph.

    2. If anyone could, you could. You know everyone. Be sweet revenge wouldn't it?

  2. Corbyn's loony Stop The War coalition-revealed to have praised the "internationalism and solidarity" of ISIS on Twitter today-is precisely the reason the anti war side lost the Syria vote.

    As long as our cause is associated with the anti British pro terrorist Loony Left, (the McDonnell/Galloway Tendency) it's easy for Cameron to smear all opponents of the war as toadies of terrorists.

    Patriotic opponents of the war on the Right-such as the Daily Mail, Ed West, Peter Hitchens, Peter Oborne, David Davis and Simon Heffer-urgently need to be heard instead.

    Otherwise our side will keep losing, and our cause will be forever tarnished by association with the Loony Left.

    1. Hitchens and Oborne are now practically Corbyn supporters. Ed will follow them eventually. David Davis now just votes against everything. If Simon Heffer and the Mail still wanted to advocate an anti-war vote in 2020, then they will know what they had to do.

    2. Hitchens and Oborne will both advocate Labour votes in 2020. You know them, you know it.
