Sunday, 10 May 2015

Farewell, Peter Hitchens

Or, at any rate, his Mail on Sunday column, which has now clearly been given to the Cameron insider James Forsyth instead.

Hitchens won't be the last. The only commentators who predicted or even wanted this result were the Fabian and SDP dynast Toby Young and the Labour Party member until 2013 Dan Hodges.

The Right Right might as well be sacked, and much of it probably will be.

Its most outspoken voice has already been, if not silenced, then certainly deprived of his main platform, presumably the only one for which he was being paid. He is just another blogger now. One of us.

Nick Cohen is looking fit to put out to graze, too. He has rehashed some old drivel about how Labour and the white English working class hate each other.

The white English, and in pockets Welsh, working class is pretty much the last category of people still voting Labour in a concentration sufficient to return Members of Parliament.


  1. Owen Jones is this week having a nervous breakdown on how the policies, the leader and the party that he (and indeed Lindsay) endorsed, have been decisively rejected by the British electorate.

    Leftwing policies are just never popular at elections.

    Sadly, as Peter Hitchens says, the Tories have won a majority by pretending to be Rightwing.

    The abject failure of the policies and the party Lindsay and Jones supported have, though, shown once and for all that Britain has no desire for socialism and rejects the Left.

    With the fake Rightwing Tories winning 330 seats-and the genuinely Rightwing UKIP winning a further 4 million people votes-there is clearly an anti-socialist majority across Britain.

    Sadly it is still divided, and cannot see it is being conned.

    1. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how to get sacked from the Mail on Sunday.

      Peter Hitchens is a welcome addition to the Brotherhood of Bloggers. But that is what he now is. He will not be the last.

  2. Well, it wasn't such a disaster for everyone.

    It has at least shown that the policies and leader that Owen Jones (and indeed you) endorsed are an utter failure.

    It's hard to imagine a bigger failure than Ed Miliband converting a weak Coalition into an outright Tory majority.

    The millions who gave the fake Rightwing Tories 330 seats-and the further 4 million who voted for the genuinely Rightwing UKIP-have at least proved Britain has absolutely no appetite for socialism (or the Mansion Tax party).

    At the end, even Miliband's Labour was desperately pretending to be "tough on welfare" (remember Rachel Reeves "we're not the party of welfare"?) and, hilariously, releasing UKIP-style anti immigration mugs and promising migrant benefit clampdowns.

    Even Labour had finally conceded the electorate just don't like leftism.

    The mystery, as Peter Hitchens says, is why millions of patriots still buy the Tories equally fake claims to be Rightwing and vote them to victory.

    1. It wasn't such a disaster for Michael Young's son or for Glenda Jackson's son. It was for everyone else.

      UKIP? A 50 per cent reduction in seats and the non-election of its wildly over-hyped Leader. I give it a year.

  3. Peter Hitchens isn't a rightwinger as his recent Big Issue piece (commissioned by guest editor Owen Jones) shows. He's just authoritarian with a recovering Marxist's habit of thought of constructing a theory then cherry-picking facts to fill it. And his claims that people are unable to think for themselves (and so agree with him) is just false consciousness garbage.
