Friday, 3 April 2015

Still The Tartan Tories

Not that there has ever been any doubt.

So left-wing that they are funded by Brian Souter. Never mind his views on sexual matters. His views on transport policy are the point. Those bear more than a passing resemblance to the SNP's record in office. Money well spent.

And now, this. The full text of the memo is here.

If Sturgeon doesn't sue, then this story is true.


  1. So the same must be true of Labour since its leading donors include tax avoiders?

    Souter supports the SNP because he supports Scottish independence not because of its transport policy, you twerp.

    It's extremely Leftwing; look at its policies.

    It wants Cameron in for the reason Peter Hitchens has been saying it wants that, for years. Because the Scots hate the Tories so independence edges closer if they stay in.

    1. The SNP's transport policies, in operation in devolved Scotland, are exactly why Souter supports the SNP.

      Those policies serve his interests perfectly. Why, anyone would think that he had written them. Or bought them.

      The SNP is "extremely left-wing", indeed! Don't worry, you'll get a girlfriend one day. Then again...
