Sunday, 15 February 2015


Cannabis use triples the risk of psychosis.

But our Prime Minister is unrepentant about having used it in the past, and refuses to deny cocaine use.

All previous occupants of that office have explicitly denied illegal drug use when asked, and no media operation has ever found anything to question that denial.

We are living, at least for a few more months, in the Britain created by what was once the New Right.

So long as there is a "market" for anything, then that something cannot be wrong, because "the market" cannot be wrong.

For example, drugs.

Or pornography.

Peter Hitchens seems to have forgotten of which party Lord Longford was a lifelong member, up to and including serving in the Cabinet.

If Hitchens thinks that it is somehow left-wing to support pornography and to be funded by pornographers, as of course the Conservative Party now is, then he might care to explain that to Clare Short, among other people.

And he might care to explain exactly when the Labour Party has ever been so dependent, rather than drawing on the small voluntary donations of millions of working taxpayers the length and breadth of the United Kingdom.


  1. You do know, I presume, that cannabis and pornography do no harm to most people who use them.

    You think they are somehow inherently corrupting forces and that anyone who's ever touched them is unclean and morally deficient.

    Maybe if you'd tried them you'd know the truth.

    1. I know no such thing. I cannot see how it is possible to know any such thing.
