Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Falling Apart

If Baroness Warsi becomes a member of George Galloway's public inquiry into the BBC's coverage of Gaza, then thank or blame me.

I tweeted the suggestion a little over an hour ago, George retweeted it, and his followers are retweeting it again with some enthusiasm.

Don't ask, don't get.

Strong endorsement of her stand has come from Sir Nicholas Soames MP (another one for George?), grandson of Churchill, friend of Prince Charles, and as complete an aristocratic Tory as could possibly be imagined, including in the sense of never criticising the Leader.

Until now.

By far the most telling aspect in Lady Warsi's resignation letter was the view that the loss of Ken Clarke and Dominic Grieve, and of William Hague from the Foreign Office, was not merely regrettable, but had positively weakened the Government.

Oh, and that that was the view of other Foreign Office Ministers.

Give that a moment to sink in.

Give all of the above a moment to sink in.


  1. She quit over the reshuffle, not Gaza.

    Not an ounce of principle in her.

    1. Anyone would think that you people had been given a line to parrot.

  2. If you take anything that preposterous Baroness of Diversity says seriously, you need help. She was only in the Cabinet to tick the "Muslim female" box.

    She's never expressed an ounce of principle until suddenly being humiliated in a reshuffle....

    What a coincidence.

    It's almost charming.

    1. Anyone would think that you people had been given a line to parrot.

      You have an awful lot to say about her, if she didn't matter. Harry's Place cross-posting Andrew Pierce's Mail piece is my personal favourite.
