Mira Bar-Hillel writes:
What makes young people snatch a stranger their own age,
beat him up, force petrol down his throat before setting him on fire?
And what makes officers of
the law hide their faces, snatch a slight 15-year-old and beat him senseless?
And then the police refuse him medical attention until they discover – to their
horror – that he is actually an
Israel was never an entirely peaceful place to grow up
and live in.
It was born during the War of Independence in 1948, which reset
the 1947 borders agreed by the UN and displaced hundreds of thousands of Arabs
who became the Palestinian refugees.
The refusal of neighbouring Arab countries (Jordan, Egypt
and Syria) to help assimilate them forced them to become political pawns living
in dismal refugee camps.
The Suez campaign of 1956 hardly affected the civilian
population, but the Six Day War in June 1967 did, and continues to do so.
result was the conquest, by Israel, of the West Bank, Gaza Strip and Golan
Heights – along with all those refugees.
Back in 1967 we thought the conquest would be temporary
and the territories, with their millions of occupants, returned quickly in
exchange for, er, a peace deal.
But victory soon turned into a sense of smug
Shimon Peres, now Israel’s nonagenarian President and Nobel
Peace Prize laureate, was the Daddy of the Settlements in the late sixties.
He enabled, encouraged and funded small groups of zealots
to settle in land illegally occupied in that war.
The rest is history – until
it becomes current affairs.
Major Ahron Bregman of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF)
was on honeymoon in Nepal in 1988 when he saw a photograph of an Israeli
soldier hitting a crouching Palestinian civilian with his rifle butt.
He wrote
to the Haaretz newspaper declaring that, having been an artillery officer in
two of Israel’s military adventures (1978 and 1982) he would, on his return,
refuse to serve in the Occupied Territories.
letter resulted in a political and media storm which caused him to leave Israel
for England.
Here he acquired a PhD, British nationality and a senior post in
the Department of War Studies at Kings College, London.
In early June he published his
latest book. Its title, Cursed Victory, says it all.
Although only nine
years old in 1967, his insight into the tragedy of Israel after the Six Day War
is impeccable.
A country created as a refuge for the most oppressed and
persecuted nation in history became, in Bregman’s words, “A heavy-handed and
brutal occupier”.
Within less than a generation of the Jewish Holocaust it
began oppressing, persecuting and de-humanising the non-Jewish natives of the
occupied territories with predictably bloody results.
Importantly, the book sheds light on the Israeli/USA
relationship, portraying a cheeky tail vigorously wagging a massive and
powerful dog.
Israel was given an effective veto over US Middle East
policy back in November 1998, when Madeleine Albright wrote a classified letter
to Benyamin Netanyahu, which was leaked to Bregman. It stated:
“Recognising the
desirability of avoiding putting forward proposals that Israel would consider
unsatisfactory, the US will conduct a thorough consultation process with Israel
in advance…”
Putting Israel in the driving seat resulted in the
failure of all peace initiatives from Clinton/Albright to Obama/Kerry 15 years
Israeli intransigence about giving up even an inch of the Occupied
Territories caused a frustrated Albright to write, in another intercepted
“You have got no better friend than the US and you have no better
friend than Clinton and you have played with his credibility.”
Kerry could have written the same letter in April of this
year, but was reduced to expressing his frustration with Israel timidly, in the
face of an overwhelmingly pro-Israel Congress and Republicans funded by
billionaire casino Zionist Sheldon Adelson.
All the woes of the region since 1967 were caused by one
thing: the illegal occupation of Palestinian land by Israel, and the USA’s
decades-long support for it and its consequences.
Hanging on to the territories
has become Israel’s be all and end all, and the US has been left impotent even
in the face of one of its own citizens being brutalised by its “strongest ally”
this weekend.
As death and destruction return
to Israel/Palestine in force, what Bregman and I have in common is a fervent
wish that his next book is not entitled Fatal Victory.
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