No surprise where the Brussels museum attacker had been.
On the side to which David Cameron had wanted to commit our Armed Forces.
The side to fight for which the likes of Harry's Place urged their readers (rather hilariously, considering who they were) to form themselves into International Brigades.
The side fighters for which that same David Cameron now wants to prosecute on their return to the United Kingdom.
Let them be prosecuted, say I.
But only if the same applies to British Citizens returning from service in the Israeli Defense Forces.
The IDF into which, in his last days, Tony Blair had wanted to conscript directly our least accomplished 16-year-old boys.
We are now in the last year of David Cameron and Michael Gove. Into what will they want to conscript directly our least accomplished 16-year-old boys?
We're still engaged on the ground in Afghanistan for the last four years with the consent of all three parties.