But Rory Scothorne is far more right than wrong:
Owen Jones recently broke his self-imposed silence on independence to make an
argument for a “loose federation” of the various UK nations as a “fairer” alternative
to Scottish nationalism.
He identifies nationalism as an inadequate substitute
for a progressive politics based on “shared economic interests”, and a
“symptom” of the atomised, individualistic politics which have replaced the
class solidarity of the past.
But he realises that movements for national
sovereignty aren’t going to vanish any time soon, and that a “loose federation”
could grant each nation a degree of sovereignty or home rule without
fragmenting the shared economic interests of the British working class.
Nationalism to Jones is sad but inevitable, and should be taken into account
rather than ignored by those who want to transform the British state.
Nationalism has been known to inspire a great
deal of oppression, inequality and intolerance – this is partly why
left-wingers dislike it so much.
But our present situation also proves it
capable of inspiring hope and creativity, hence the growing comfort with which
Scottish centre-leftists describe themselves as “civic nationalists”.
nationalist responses to Jones’ article have implied that he hasn’t grasped
this second point – that he stubbornly remains aloof to the potential for an
open, tolerant and left-wing nationalism, to the detriment of his argument.
Mike Small of Bella Caledonia blames this on Jones’ political ties to the Labour Party:
He and others remain convinced that the
avowedly/explicitly right[-wing] Labour Party is going to miraculously
metamorphise [sic] into something of their grandfathers’ dreams. It won’t.
We’ve lived through this. It’s like expecting a dying dog to chase a stick.
However high and far you throw the stick it’s not going to chase it any longer.
The limited evidence for such an emphatic claim
comes later:
Labour abandoned Britain to the spivs and The
City long ago in a sea of spin, PFI and broken promises. If people in Scotland
don’t believe that story any more it’s because of Cash for Honours, fictional
WMD and endemic propaganda from the mouths of a decade of Labour spin men.
And yet there’s something deeply suspect about
Jones supports a sort of federalism, and sees the Labour Party as the
only left-wing party with enough support across Britain to implement it fairly
and evenly. Is our best argument against this seriously just the smug, barely
substantiated assertion that Labour are shite, so it’s not going to happen?
The most sensible opponents of independence, when proposing a federal option,
are faced with angry outbursts about “jam tomorrow” and the suggestion that
Labour have only ever sought to manipulate Scotland into sending votes south
out of a supposedly deluded belief in class solidarity.
But at the same time,
supporters of independence fall head over heels to soothe the concerns of
rest-of-UK (rUK) Labour supporters who worry about being condemned to Tory rule
forever by our desertion.
Arguments are made about Labour’s proven ability to
win majorities in England and Wales as well as Scotland, and the power of
Scottish independence to set a “positive example” to the rUK Left.
The good
folks at A Thousand Flowers have attacked Jones for rejecting independence as
a solution to the failures of the British state, and express optimism about the
ability of the rUK left to build a movement similar to Scotland’s.
So who do we think the rUK left is?
a mixed bag, of course, but who is actually able to win state power
for socialists down south if not Labour? The Greens? With their single MP in a
marginal seat and their single, unpopular council administration?
If Scottish
nationalism is really about international solidarity and left-wing values, how
can we say that Labour is a totally lost cause and then march out of
Westminster, enabling either a ‘lost’ Labour Party or the Tories to lord over
our southern comrades for the foreseeable future?
Jones rightly recognises that the rest of the UK
doesn’t, and shouldn’t, depend on Scottish votes to fight off the Tories.
That’s because the rest of the UK has a party with members, councillors, MPs
and MEPs who passionately care about social justice and with close links to the
self-organised institutions of the working class, and it’s the Labour Party.
is a party with which a very large chunk of the British and Scottish left still
identify. Yes, it has done some dreadful things, particularly in its recent
history. That was during a time when Social Democratic parties across the world
were swerving to the right.
Does that really make a renewed Labour left – in
either Scotland or the rest of the UK – impossible? Too many nationalists seem to think so.
And yet
they, of all people, should understand that history is not simply about what
“we’ve lived through”, or whatever made you particularly angry ten years ago. They should know that historic identities – be they held by Scots or the labour
movement – don’t die easily.
For long periods of the UK’s history, the
constitutional issue lay in some very long grass, largely hidden from the
popular consciousness. But some form of Scottish identity remained, preserved
in an apolitical swamp of ‘cultural sub-nationalism’ and the endurance of Scottish
kirk, education and law.
Tom Nairn calls this historic hint of cultural and
political difference the ‘raw material’ – often irrational and
backwards-looking – of Scotland’s modern political nationalism, which seized on
a crisis of the British state to look forward towards better governance, a
fairer society and a more versatile economy built to navigate the rapids of
global capitalism.
The point is this: given that the independence
movement is built, ultimately, on a 300-year-old question that was for
much of that time politically irrelevant, how can nationalists claim that just 30
years of ruling-class advance within the Labour Party makes such an
advance irreversible?
History is about the longue durée; the many
levels and forces of society are forever rolling across one another, some in
periodic stasis, others in permanent motion.
If the ancient thing that we call
‘Scotland’ collided with the crises of the late 20th century to produce the
debate we’re having now, why shouldn’t some event in the future collide with
Labour’s enduring working-class base, suppressed as it might have been, to
produce something equally positive?
Labour continues to toe too much of the Blairite
line at both Westminster and Holyrood, with particularly reactionary policies
on immigration and welfare causing understandable anger amongst both both
Labour and non-Labour socialists.
Owen Jones, following Ralph Miliband,
recognises that Labour’s preoccupation with parliamentary
politics as the be-all and end-all of political action weakens them,
pulling any radical impulses rightwards in search of new majorities.
But his
solution to these problems is not to leave the Labour Party entirely, which
would abandon generations of left-wing voters and trade union members to
creeping irrelevance as several competing ‘real Left’ parties stumble into
His solution is to continue a fight within Labour, alongside fellow
socialists in the party. This is the choice of a political pragmatist.
He is
equally pragmatic on nationalism: it can’t be ignored, or simply condemned, but
it can be adapted into new, more complex forms of class politics, where
solidarity and sovereignty is bottom-up, not imposed on restive peripheries by
the London state or party.
His critique of the SNP hits the mark: they are
too friendly to the rich, not because they have been conquered by the
bourgeoisie but because they are organised around the bourgeois ideology of
nationalism, which seeks to subordinate divergent class interests to the
bizarre notion of ‘the national interest’.
The SNP’s is no scary, fascist
nationalism, but a calm, boring project of adaptation to an undemocratic global
system they would never dream of destroying.
Scotland is a rich country which,
on a global scale, profits immensely from capitalism. The SNP plan to make
Scotland even richer by typically capitalist means. Why end something that’s
making you rich?
This is where we need to depart from Jones’
argument. If the SNP need to be defeated, federalism isn’t the way to do it.
The SNP have done well out of devolution, not because of an insurgent
nationalism but because they proved adept at managing the devolved apparatus to
deliver material benefits to certain powerful sections of the Scottish
They can pose as centre-left, while never facing the big,
state-level questions that might force them rightwards – on taxation, defence
and labour legislation, for example.
Their proposed corporation tax cuts, their
NATO volte-face, and their reluctance to take sides over Grangemouth all
suggest that independence will indeed send them scurrying in that direction.
Who will be there to challenge them?
Labour cannot outflank them on the right as long as they want to maintain a
base of support among trade unions and the working class (which they
undoubtedly do) – but they can outflank the ‘national party’ on the left, not
just as the Labour Party but as a party of labour.
Federalism risks entrenching
the SNP in their comfortable role as the most efficient redistributors of
London handouts. But with independence, the Scottish Labour Party can challenge
the SNP on the terrain of real economic power.
This is an argument against federalism that
doesn’t depend on dismissing it as ‘irrelevant’ or ‘impossible’.
If, as the
polls narrow and the leadership gets desperate, Labour do believably offer
something approaching a federal arrangement (which is even more likely if
they’re looking for a coalition with the Liberal Democrats in 2015), we need a
better response than that.
This is also an argument against federalism that is
based on an opposition to the SNP.
On the continuing importance of the Labour
party to Scotland, the pro-independence left and Owen Jones should be able to
But if we want to really take the fight to the SNP and start to build a
state which empowers and provides for its people, federalism isn’t enough.
Could the Left's sudden, utterly unprecedented, outpouring of British patriotism have anything at all to do with the fact an independent Scotland would strip Labour of 41 seats?
ReplyDeleteWhile stripping the Tories of just one?
Call me a cynic...
No, just an innumerate. Three quarters of Labour seats are in England even now, in Opposition. A third of Labour Party members live in London. And so on.
ReplyDeleteScotland, like the South East, decides the size of Labour majorities. But not the fact of those majorities.
Again, like the South East. Or else there would have been no such majority in 2005.