Tuesday, 9 April 2013

"This Is Not A Third World Country"

As the Labour Chief Whip on Durham County Council, exactly as much of a Thatcher fan as you would expect, put it to me this evening on the subject of people dancing in the streets, "as if the dictator had fallen."

Quite so.

The same applies to Thatcher's absurd funeral arrangements. The story seems to have grown up that she effected something similar to the national liberation myth of a post-colonial state. Therefore, she is being seen off after the manner of the one of the, mostly ghastly, leaders of such struggles. A kind of white Mugabe.

But we should be having no truck with that sort of thing. This is not a Third World country.


  1. If the people who have pressed for this overblown nonsense funeral are right about her, they have to accept that other people are bound to react to her death in this way. The truth is that she does not warrant either. Not the big funeral, and not the street parties. She was not that big a deal either way.

  2. Seeing the street parties, one is constantly reminded of Peter Hitchens words.

    "They are a symptom of a raging sickness of the soul that has the modern Left in its grip. They are so sure that they are right that they no longer think their opponents are human.""

    "That way lie the torture cellar, the re-education camp and the firing squad, as the Left proves every time it gets enough power to show what it is really like""

  3. He obviously doesn't read the right-wing blogosphere (lucky him). Or you, you hateful little creature, educated beyond your intelligence but still not very well-educated.

    The impotent cry of people who have not won a comfortable majority, probably since before you were born, and certainly since they had a Leader who is now dead. And who know that they never will again.
