Friday, 11 January 2013

A Complete Dog's Breakfast

Thus did David Blunkett describe the Lords Reform Bill.

It never reached Third Reading.

And thus has David Blunkett just described the proposal for same-sex "marriage".

It will never reach Third Reading.


  1. I hope you‘re right. But I fear Cameron sees this as the distraction from cuts and the economy he needs. And as such will push it through coome what may.

  2. He hasn't managed that with anything else.

  3. Unfortunately, it seems to be nothing but a stay of execution.

    The Tory rebels may manage to have some effect now they are in office, but they won't be able to stop it happening when Labour win, in 2015.

    Gay marriage and Lords reform will happen then, whether through a Lib-Lab Coalition or a Labour majority.

    The poor Tory backbenchers may as well give up and let it happen now.

  4. The next Labour Government won't touch this with a thousand barge poles. The announcement of the free vote proved that. If the manifesto mentions it at all, then it will promise nothing more than a free vote on any backbench amendment or Private Member's Bill.

  5. I disagree-Miliband is publicly committed to an elected Lords and his party won't let him rest until he's delivered it.

    If gay marriage comes through as a Private Members Bill, under a Labour Government, there won't be an army of backbench Government rebels to stop it. Whereas there is now.

    That's why there's no hope.

    The Tories are the only mainstream party with enough MP's who oppose gay marriage and Lords reform.

  6. Most Labour MPs are opposed in principle to an elected second chamber, and the party in the country couldn't care less.

    No Private Member's Bill for same-sex "marriage" would ever be given Government Time, so it could never be passed. It would just disappear into the parliamentary process and never emerge, like all the rest of them.

  7. Looks like it will be debated soon and will be supported by the majority of MP's - about half the Tories, and the vast bulk of Labour and LibDem MP's , with a handful opposed.

    So, so out of touch with the party you are not a member of , David!

  8. But it will never reach Third Reading. It will never become law. Never. You read it here first.
