Friday, 1 June 2012

The Bear Facts

The British people no longer owns BP. Yet if, by means of public ownership, we were back in control of our energy supply, then we could concentrate on building up our natural alliance with the pre-eminent gatekeeper of our Biblical-Classical civilisation, both against Islamic expansionism (as we saw in relation to Iraq, and as we see in relation to Syria) against Far Eastern domination.

Lately, also against both the global money men and an increasingly globalised Zionism which recognises the collapse of secular Ashkenazi supremacism in Israel and which therefore, while remaining attached to that Motherland as Stalinists were to the USSR, works instead for such supremacism elsewhere, especially within and by means of the American imperium.

Russia is a country which has recently learned the hard way the horrific folly both of Marxism and of capitalism. Just as China, with the authentic culture of which we also have much in common, has done in the Marxist case and is doing in the capitalist case.

And what is Marxism but the definition of politics in terms of economics? Our Marxism is poisoning our relations both with Russia and with China.

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