After Bosnia, increasingly conforming to Izetbegovic's Wahhabi nightmare vision and with Jews and Gypsies constitutionally barred from the Senate and the Presidency, came Kosovo, where Maoism, Wahhabism and Nazism meet in an Olympically corrupt, heroin and women-trafficking hell-hole.
But after Kosovo, how can anyone object to Azawad, notably an Islamist secession from a 90 per cent Muslim country, not unlike the de facto independence of the Gaza Strip under Hamas, a state of affairs only possible because of the blockade of Gaza?
And then, where? Chechnya? Xinjiang? Where, exactly?
Then again, how can a specifically ethnic state - in this case, for the Tuareg - possibly be an Islamist one? Surely the Islamist-influenced youths of Bradford West rose up against the tribal politics of their elders, since the two could not be farther apart?
In principle, yes. And in Bradford West, yes, that was certainly an important factor.
But states at once ethnically exclusive and Islamist have been created in Bosnia and in Kosovo. Those seeking to kill, rape and maim their way to such creations are being cheered on in Chechnya and Xinjiang. So why not in Azawad? Why not, indeed?
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