At least we have merely failed to improve the condition of women in Afghanistan. In Iraq, we have made that condition almost immeasurably worse.
The list of excuses for the war in Afghanistan is finally reaching exhaustion after all. The wearing of the burqa in that country is not a strategic interest of the United Kingdom, and in any case what else are the women in question supposed to wear? That's called Afghanistan. What did you think that the place was like? Nor, however worthy it may be in itself, is the sending of Afghan girls to school a cause in which to send British troops to their deaths. The claim to be fighting the heroin trade is a very sick joke indeed; in reality, we have form when it comes to alliance with heroin-traffickers, as can be seen by examining our record in Kosovo.
And the general, lunatic scheme to bomb Afghanistan into a version of California, but without Proposition 8, is at last ceasing to convince even however few people have not always been able to see straight through it. Not that it has been wholly without success. A certain San Francisco-isation has been achieved by our restoration of the Afghanistan that existed before the Taliban, i.e., the country in which the sexual abuse of adolescent boys was, and now is again, more endemic than anywhere else on earth. That is what we have been, and are, fighting and dying for. Doesn't it make you proud?
Vintage Durham, port-swilling spooks in black tie, Catholic and High Anglican traditionalists, awash with Iranian and Emirati money and that's only the cash we know about. No wonder the university directory, I have jsut looked you up, no longer even gives your email address, just one of those contact forms for the grandest of grandees who cannot be troubled by ordinary taxpayers.