In the words of Marina Lewycka a few weeks ago:
These same rating agencies, who back in 2006 were happily awarding triple-A ratings to 105% mortgages for half-employed carpet-fitters and insolvent poets, are now telling us how to run the country, saying if we misbehave then Greece, Spain or even Britain will get downgraded. What I can't understand is: why do we take any notice of them at all?
Where's the politician today who'd say what President Franklin D Roosevelt said in 1936: "We know now that government by organised money is just as dangerous as government by organised mob. Never before in all our history have these forces been so united against one candidate as they stand today. They are unanimous in their hate for me and I welcome their hatred."
What's that? They buy our debt? No one made them do that. They are supposed to be the experts. And it is time for them to admit that they are simply biased in favour of the United States, cheerfully wrecking anywhere else that takes their fancy as surely as certain of their compatriots cheerfully bomb anywhere else that takes their fancy.
The British, Australian, less commonly Canadian, and other lackeys and wannabes of either are as far beneath contempt as are those of the other, and are very largely the same people, today unable to contain their glee as England's oldest ally, which gave us the use of the Azores during the Falklands War, is sent to the wall in order to preserve the pretended top dog status of the actually Chinese-owned land of Ronald Reagan and Jeanne Kirkpatrick, the land that refused us the use of any base (so that we had to go cap in hand to Pinochet), and which refused to sell us a single AIM-9M, but which provided Argentina with boots and kit, and also trained the Argentinian Army.
The French had sold Argentina exocet missiles, just as Thatcher had been about to flog Argentina at a knock-down price the very ships that were now needed. But the French banned further sales, and provided the codes to disarm the missiles. Nothing remotely comparable was done by the land of Fitch, Moody's, and Standard & Poor's; the land of Noraid. Welcome their hatred, indeed.
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