Ah, the strange matter of the EU and Britain's railways.
We allegedly cannot take them back into public ownership because of the EU, too. Apparently, the tracks and the trains cannot be owned by the same people. Yet, funnily enough, in most and possibly all other member-states, the tracks and the trains are indeed owned by the same people, usually, if not always, The People.
And no, they do not buy their stock from abroad. Nor, for example, do the French Army, Navy and Air Force, each the third-largest in the world, procure from abroad. And nor is any other member-state aware of some sort of ban on state aid except to banks.
It will not wash to say that we are the only people who ever play by the rules. Could it be that those are not in fact the rules at all?
This is the kind of news that makes my blood boil over pathetic spineless politicians. These gutless 'public servants' obviously have no allegiance to this country and even less respect for the people who put them in office. And if the previous administration did indeed lay down some bizarre rules for assessing the bids then surely a new administration could tear them up and say they were not fit for purpose (now there's a good phrase). Surely, even now, it is not too late to reverse this scandalous decision. If, as we are told, about half the Tory MPs want us out of the EU then surely there is the collective clout in Westminster to shove this decision where the EU sun don't shine. The sight of Vince Cable spouting meekly on TV that he could do nothing about it should have warranted his resignation in Cameron's office tomorrow morning. This is one issue where MPs of ALL parties should act to have this reversed. If they do not wish to do so then they should join the 1,500 sacked workers on the dole. Oh, for a little gunboat diplomacy for a change instead of craven hand-wringing.