The Wittelsbachs did in fact rule Denmark for a time.
Anyway, a model social democracy has re-sealed her borders. A model social democracy complete with a monarch to prove and safeguard it, as in Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Canada, New Zealand, and historically also Britain and Australia. And no, they do not ride bicycles when ours would ride in coaches. They live in palaces in the centres of their capital cities and behave in every way as do their British counterparts.
Meanwhile, probably Western Europe's most thoroughly Social Catholic party, which in its heart of hearts would probably still like to bring back the dynasty that defined its homeland continuously between 1180 and 1918 (never mind still being held up as the rightful occupants of the Thrones of England, Scotland and Ireland), is prominent in seeking to have the euro bailouts struck down in and by the German Constitutional Court.
Well, of course.
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