I reprint exactly as submitted this comment on yesterday's post about the BBC's coverage of climate change sceptics, which I urge people to read before they comment on this post:
When David Lindsay says "an unhysterical attitude to climate change", this is what he means. When he says "traditional moral and social values" or "traditional structures and methods of education", we all know whose traditions he means.
So, when he says "a realist foreign policy", he means that Saddam should have been left in place because he had co-opted the Christians, plus abandoning Afghanistan, detante with China, active alliance with Russia, support for Iran because it has reserved seats for Armenians and Assyrians, support for a Hezbollah-led government in Lebanon because it has Maronites in it, using the Christian leaders in the West Bank to declare UDI for a state also including Jordan, and now letting the Muslim Brotherhood appoint 45% of Egyptian MPs so long as the Coptic church can appoint another 5%. Not to mention scrapping Trident, de facto withdrawal from the EU and de jure withdrawal from Nato. Classic FCO, MI6, High Tory enemy of America and Israel. Amazingly in recent years that has come to be treated as Old Labour. It is NOT.
In the light of that, read over the rest of his oft repeated "priorities" list: "the Welfare State, workers’ rights, trade unionism, the co-operative movement and wider mutualism, consumer protection, strong communities, conservation rather than environmentalism, fair taxation, full employment, public ownership, proper local government, a powerful Parliament, the monarchy, the organic Constitution, national sovereignty, civil liberties, the Union, the Commonwealth, the countryside, economic patriotism, balanced migration, and a base of real property for every household to resist both over-mighty commercial interests and an over-mighty State."
Under PR, he envisages a small party of MPs like that keeping the Labour Leader in Downing Street forever but always able to pull the plug if Labour threatened to go too Islington on them. Decent geographical spread by most concentrated in the north of England and in south Wales. Every year the Labour PM would come to their conference and tell them how an important they were as "part of the family", introduced by their Leader for life, a pinstriped, plummy son of an archdeacon, a politician and commentator with King Charles Steet Camel Corps running through him like a stick of rock, the pseudo-left's Peter Oborne or Geoffrey Wheatcroft.
Based on his views on Egypt, he would happily see a Labour PM give the same speech every year to east London's or Bradford's Muslim Brothers, so long as he also gave it to Lindsay's lot and the Muslim Brothers never moved to the areas where his own voters lived. Lindsay has until 2015 to heat up his political activities and he will. Ask yourself who is paying for them and who is paying for him. T.E. Lawrence has a lot to answer for.
To which I have replied:
Better out than in?
All three MPs for Islington joined the SDP when it was first set up. All were Eurosceptics. One was a product of the London Irish machine. Another was probably the single most effective Commons opponent of Scottish and Welsh devolution. And the third opposed his new party's support for the Tebbit anti-union legislation, going on to work for his own union after he had lost his seat.
Now, on topic, please.
"Under PR, he envisages a small party of MPs like that keeping the Labour Leader in Downing Street forever but always able to pull the plug if Labour threatened to go too Islington on them. Decent geographical spread by most concentrated in the north of England and in south Wales. Every year the Labour PM would come to their conference and tell them how an important they were as "part of the family", introduced by their Leader for life, a pinstriped, plummy son of an archdeacon, a politician and commentator with King Charles Steet [sic] Camel Corps running through him like a stick of rock, the pseudo-left's Peter Oborne or Geoffrey Wheatcroft"?
Perish the thought. Under PR, I envisage a wholesale realignment. "Lindsay has until 2015 to heat up his political activities and he will."
Worst comment of the week?
ReplyDeleteNowhere near. You should have seen some of the ones that I couldn't put up on the post daring to question the Lenin High Schools.
ReplyDeleteI like this idea. A Labour government most/all the time but with their majority always dependent on a small, independent band of MPs from what the SDP could have been if it had been patriotic, socially conservative, working class and proudly provincial instead of Europhile, socially liberal, upper middle class and determinedly metropolitan.
ReplyDeleteBut we mustn't get hung up, either on class, or on the metropolitan-provincial split. In its heyday, Labour never was. The Islington Labour Party's driving out of all three of Michael O'Halloran, George Cunningham and John Grant says an awful lot about the subsequent rise of New Labour. But something very similar also happened in Liverpool.