Tuesday, 1 February 2011

At The Stem

The Woman's Hour piece about Britain's first saviour sibling did nothing to reassure those of us who are horrified at the concept, although his parents did confirm that they had wanted another child anyway, which I suppose is something, though only in this one case. But it did compel the BBC to give airtime to the efficacy of cord blood stem cells.

So much for the persistent use of the term "stem-cell research" to mean scientifically worthless but morally abhorrent playing about with embryonic stem cells, together with the viciously cruel justification of this by reference to an ever-longer list of medical conditions.

The real stem-cell research involves adult and cord blood stem cells, is ethically unproblematic, and has already yielded real results. But it struggles to secure funding, because it is of no interest to those who cannot forgive the Catholic Church either for having educated them or for having educated the wrong sort.


  1. What's happened to your blog for The Telegraph?

  2. Nothing. You can still follow a link to it from this very site.

    But on topic, please.
