One another post, one Boban commented, "For yourself, Mr Lindsay, keep it up about the ancient and true role of us Croats and about the parlous condition of our Croat brothers and sisters in Herzeg-Bosnia." To which I felt bound to reply that "I will. But I draw the line at Boban. "The Serbs are our brothers in Christ," he rightly said. Before ruining it with, "but the Muslims are nothing to us, apart from the fact that for hundreds of years they raped our mothers and sisters." He ended up having to be removed at the instigation of John Paul the Great."
Still, as an email today puts it, perhaps, once the Latin Patriarch and the Anglican Archbishop have been among those blessing a memorial to the British victims of Zionist terrorism, the Serbian Patriarch and the Croatian Primate might bless a memorial to all those who died fighting for Christendom, or for the mere continuing presence of Christendom cultures within a more pluralistic context, either under the name of the Republika Srpska or under the name of the Croatian Republic of Herzeg-Bosnia? "Brothers In Christ", I replied that it might read, side by side in both scripts, with the matter left there.
Perhaps it might be at Grude? A standing reproof to the treatment by Izetbegovic's heirs of his erstwhile allies, even if those allies should have seen it coming, as some of them did, at least for a time. And a warning, that when the Republika Srpska insists on availing itself of the right that it has at least as much as Kosovo, then the Herzeg-Bosnia of the Croats will be next, not least in view of that treatment by the increasingly Islamist regime at Sarajevo. Such are the still-emerging consequences of the West's failure to insist on the continuing existence of Yugoslavia, and of the West's failure to recognise the true character of the forces that wished to dismember Yugoslavia.
A group of Croatians are putting their faith in God in the hope that they will not have to join the EU.
A series of posters have gone up around the Adriatic port of Split showing the image of the Virgin Mary with the message: "Please save us from entering the EU."
The message adds that the EU is evil and will bring GM food, pollution, crime and spiralling debt for average citizens.
It concludes: "What else do we get with entering the EU?"
Police are now investigating whether the billboards that were not signed are illegal.
Croatia expects to enter the EU in 2012.
The EU is in no sense the sort of multinational, multiethnic entity within, to and through which it has been, and it remains in principle, the mission of the Croats to bear witness. It has killed Social Catholicism as a force above local or, in the German case, certain State level in Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, the Irish Republic (where it was never all that influential) and elsewhere. It has destroyed the circumstances that made possible Social Catholicism's less overt, but nevertheless discernible and sometimes powerfully effective, influence in Britain, primarily in and through the Labour Party, though not exclusively so. It confers legislative power over huge numbers of people on Stalinists, Trotskyists, neo-Fascists, neo-Nazis, and others just as agreeable as those. Its publications refer to the holidays of every religion except Christianity. It stands on the brink of admitting Turkey.
Antemurale Christianitatis? The EU is no Christendom of which to be the Ramparts. Rather, Croatia would be serving the historic, and always vitally necessary, mission of the Croats as a people precisely by staying out of the EU and by proclaiming loudly and often why she was doing so.
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