Friday, 3 December 2010

Cometh The Hour

Phil Woolas is one of the dwindling handful of MPs against whom there could ever have been any such ruling by the Liberal Tories and the 1968 sectarian Leftists who between them have carved up the upper echelons of the judiciary.

But this impending by-election creates quite an opportunity for a candidate, from within or beyond the Labour Party, who will give a voice to those whose priorities include the Welfare State, workers’ rights, trade unionism, the co-operative movement, consumer protection, strong communities, conservation rather than environmentalism, fair taxation, full employment, public ownership, proper local government, a powerful Parliament, and a base of real property for every household to resist both over-mighty commercial interests and an over-mighty State, while having a no less absolute commitment to any or all of the monarchy, the organic Constitution, national sovereignty, civil liberties, the Union, the Commonwealth, the countryside, grammar schools, traditional moral and social values, controlled importation and immigration, and a realistic foreign policy.

A voice to those who are aware of, who understand, who value and who draw on the Radical Liberal, Tory populist, trade union, co-operative, Christian Socialist, Social Catholic and Distributist, and other roots of the Labour Movement, rejecting cultural Marxism no less comprehensively than they reject economic Marxism, and vice versa. A voice to those who, with Herbert Morrison, have never seen any conflict “between Labour and what are known as the middle classes”, and who, with Aneurin Bevan, denounce class war, calling instead for “a platform broad enough for all to stand upon” and for the making of “war upon a system, not upon a class”.

An opportunity to give a national platform and profile to a candidate who is part of the alliance of the traditional Right and the traditional Left against the neoconservative war agenda and its assaults on liberty at home, including against any new Cold War with either or both of Russia and China. Who is part of the socially and culturally conservative, strongly patriotic tendencies within the British Left’s traditional electoral base. Who recognises that we cannot deliver the welfare provisions and the other public services that our people have rightly come to expect unless we know how many people there are in this country, unless we control immigration properly, and unless we insist that everyone use spoken and written English to the necessary level.

A candidate who refuses to allow climate change to be used as an excuse to destroy or prevent secure employment, to drive down wages or working conditions, to arrest economic development around the world, to forbid the working classes and non-white people from having children, to inflate the fuel prices that always hit the poor hardest, or to restrict either travel opportunities or a full diet to the rich. And who could therefore co-operate as closely as possible with the forces of provincial, rural, protectionist, church-based, conservative, mind-our-own-business Toryism, forces set free by electoral reform from tendencies variously metropolitan, urban, capitalist, secular, libertarian and make-the-world-anew.

So, where is that candidate?


  1. Jonathan Brewster3 December 2010 at 16:04

    Stuck in County Durham unable or unwilling to make an impact by standing regularly in by-elections. Alas, your eventual victory would take many campaigns my friend.

  2. "Stuck" is the word, dear.

    We need someone local, and in good health. I am neither. But if you are both, then do get in touch.

  3. Harman will have one of her Equality Heiresses lined up, that is why she hung Woolas out to dry.

    You are so right that only a tiny number of MPs would have been subjected to a ruling like this, a LibCon toff or a Blairite old flower child would have got away with it thanks to the LibCon toffs and the Blairite old flower children on the bench.

  4. The Great Man doesn't do by-elections, "dear". He really will get a peerage eventually. I'm not kidding. That will be his eventual way into Parliament and it suits him. That is not a compliment.

  5. @Jonathan Brewster, if this sort of tactic is now illegal, he wouldn't know where to start.

    "David Lindsay is the latest Northumbrian scholar-saint, David Lindsay is the latest Northumbrian scholar-saint," repeat to fade.

  6. See the second off last paragraph for who and what he really is. Grew up in County Durham so joined Labour to get on. Seemed left-wing in the early Blair days but they were not exactly normal.

    Labour got on him ridiculously far, two school governorships while still a student and what not, but not far enough, so he is no longer in it. Time was when the pit yakkers would have been so delighted at the attention of a man who spoke and dressed like him, from such a good family and all that, they would have wafted him into any position he wanted.

    That is what he naturally is, a local worthy who could be an unideological councillor or MP for whatever party label guaranteed to get him elected and re-elected. Labour stopped being like that just too early for him to start a career out of it, or he would already be there. When he misses the Old Labour Party, that is what he really misses. Looks like he is trying to bring it back.

  7. Ex-Derwentside Labour3 December 2010 at 17:47

    They couldn't run him in Lanchester because he was too posh. For Lanchester! He would have antagonised all the self-made men and women there. So they had to put up Neil Fleming, making David Lindsay the only person in the world who could make Neil Fleming look like a man of the people.

    Sadly you are right that he would have got on if he had been in a working-class ward where they enjoy being patronised, Labour round here sometimes seem to go out of their way to find the only posh person so they can put them on the council.

    Lindsay was and remains big mates with the right-wing, mostly Consett-based, largely Catholic Labour mafia on the abolished Derwentside Council. Their godfather is in the Facebook group that this post is mostly lifted from. (It also has a heavy leanings towards the North West, so don't bet against a candidate emerging this time.)

    The Dewentside Independents who were the official opposition, exactly Lindsay's preferred type of Tories, never contested that Leader's ward, were always given one more scrutiny chair than they were entitled to, and were the Labour Establishment's allies against Labour's own left wing. At the last General Election, Lindsay advocated voting for the DIs' Leader for MP, the most "local worthy" candidate by far.

    That is politics as David Lindsay learned it. It's the only way he knows. Years ago when he was chair of Lanchester Labour Party, he tried to arrange for exactly as many Parish Council candidates to stand as there were seats to fill, leading to no election, which the poor little voters would only have discovered too late. It never happened but he couldn't for the life of him see why anyone objected.

  8. Andrew, then we need to have someone credible lined up against her.

    As for anyone who uses the term "pit yakkers"...

  9. Jonathan Brewster, DL is waiting to hoover up second, third and fourth preferences at an AV election, especially against the widely disliked Kevan Jones. Sadly he is probably right.
