The revolt of those who insist that they are in the middle, when in fact they are nowhere near it, against the outside possibility that they might be made vanishingly less affluent by a measure to help those who really are, plus the half of the population below that level.
None of this attention, you will notice, to the fact that the Government has engaged a private company to handle Incapacity Benefit, but fifty per cent of its rulings are overturned on appeal, with that figure rising to eighty per cent where there is proper assistance from the CAB or some such. It would be one hundred per cent if the process had not physically and mentally exhausted most of those who are subject to it.
Any prospective British Tea Partiers would do well to watch as the American Tea Party politicians sell out to the GOP establishment. In any event, the Tea Party ideology never made much sense anyway. “We want ultra-low taxation, but darn it, don’t mess with my Social Security or Medicare, and don’t cut my farm subsidies, and don’t cut the military budget either!”