It was 32 on Friday. It was 20 yesterday. It is 16 today. At this rate, by the end of this week, it will be none. Remember how they were supposed to start this month? Now it is in a year's time. When will it be then? This is not the first tranche. This is the lot, ever, if even all of them end up going through with it.
This is a failed and discredited policy of a failed and discredited Secretary of State. Look out for his next one tomorrow, some sort of Baccalaureate up to 16. Now, did someone say "grammar schools" (only possible with very strong LEAs to make a bipartite or tripartite system work) and "O-levels"? No, of course not. For that would amount to saying "Burn, Maggie, Burn". Well, most of all for that reason, "Burn, Maggie, Burn", say I.
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