As with the enormous public subsidies planned for the insurance companies, this problem would never have arisen if the original House Bill, which also contained a significant entrenchment of the ban on federal funding of abortion, had been enacted, instead of the Senate Bill designed to appease Blue Dogs who voted against it anyway and "moderate Republicans" who turned out not to exist at all.
Still, public opinion will soon enough demand the public option and then the single-payer system, bringing with them the Stupak-Pitts Amendment, once the practical realities become apparent. At that point, I might move to the United States, where there will be a National Health Service (and one, moreover, which did not perform abortions), whereas David Cameron and Nick Clegg will have abolished the one in Britain, and David Miliband would have destroyed any electoral means of bringing it back.
The Democrats need to realize that people are not unhappy with health care reform because it was too "socialistic," but because it was not socialistic enough.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, when the Democrats lose elections they have the bad habit of thinking it was because they were not far enough to the Right! The myth of Center-Right America is a stubborn one.