Judge Vaughn R. Walker, who has struck down Proposition 8, was first appointed to the bench by Ronald Reagan, and was advanced by George Bush the Elder.
He wants the lawyers judging financial and drug cases to be determined by public auction. I do not know if either of the Pauls has ever advocated that one, but it certainly sounds like one of theirs. Clearly, though, no states' rights or popular sovereignty for the "libertarian Republican" Judge Walker.
Whereas Obama, a supporter of civil unions, is against same-sex "marriage", and Proposition 8 was passed on the same day that California gave him its Electoral College votes. Venom is being spat at the Mormons, one of whom is Harry Reid.
Not that this ruling would be upheld by the Supreme Court, even were it ever to make it that far. Six of the nine Supreme Court Justices are Catholics, at least five are weekly Mass-goers, and at least four have by common consent some degree of affiliation to Opus Dei.
Great post. Judge Walker is part of the "law and economics" movement, which seeks to subject the law (and thus, practically all of life) to economics. Libertarians are the Marxists of the Right.