Read Harry's Place while you can. It is in its last days, about to be finished off in the libel courts by George Galloway. Everybody knows this. If you do not know it, then you are nobody. Anyway, today it passes beyond even its own usual level of self-parody by commanding its cultists to vote Labour on the instruction of Norman Geras and Oliver Kamm. Neoconservatism is always a cult, of course. But the Kammite sect is particularly bad even by that standard. However detestable the writings of Max Shachtman, Leo Strauss or Ayn Rand may be, they are at least the works of functioning intellects.
Whereas Kamm is desperate for a Prime Minister susceptible to his influence, who must therefore be as stupid and unlettered as Tony Blair, a man who has now written one more book than he has ever read. Accordingly, Kamm graciously confers the Labour Leadership on David Miliband, a Marxist dynast, buyer of babies off the Internet, and moron. A worthy successor to Blair, who well into his Premiership did not know that they spoke Portuguese in Brazil. I don't know about you, but, with no family or other connection to Brazil, I cannot remember a time when I did not know that.
Rather than to Shachtman, Strauss or Rand, Kamm is most obviously comparable to Lyndon LaRouche, since he himself really does seem to believe the deranged things that he puts into the minds of his simple, credulous followers. Among numerous other examples, look at the nonsense that they repeat endlessly about me, a figure with whom no sane person would be obsessed, but with whom they are to the point of dementia. You will find views, held in utter sincerity, that are precisely as related to reality as are the claims of LaRouche about the Queen's drug-dealing or what have you.
But then, the same is true of belief in "al-Qaeda", or in "the global terrorist network", or in "Taliban" distinct from the Pashtun as a whole, or in any connection between Afghanistan and 9/11, or in any connection between Iraq and 9/11, or in WMDs in Iraq, or in such WMDs as a threat to America or Britain even if they had existed, or in an Iranian nuclear weapons programme, or in such a programme's threat to America or Britain even if it existed. Doolally. Stark, staring mad.
Though also venal to the most horrific extent. Remember, no one, at least in Britain, ever supported the Iraq War except to make himself a great deal richer than he already was. And no one, at least in Britain, continues to defend it, as Nick Cohen pointedly stops short of doing in his Observer column today, unless it has indeed made him a very great deal richer than he already was. Simply by doing so, such a creature declares itself.
Meanwhile, this is the latest contribution to the highly organised campaign to incite an assassination attempt against the Pope when he visits this country, by creating a mood in which at least one is bound to occur. Such are the intellectual fruits, if "intellectual" be the word, of the lunatic schism between the potentia absoluta and the potentia ordinata, of the lunatic schism between reason or experience and the revelation apprehended by faith which alone proclaims the objective reality of rational and empirical knowledge, of the lunatic schism between the Classical and Biblical traditions that are in fact integral to each other, and of the lunatic schism between art and science. Another of that lot was on Broadcasting House, eventually announcing that he would be withholding his vote. Thank goodness for that.
After the collapse of Anthropogenic Global Warming (not the same thing as climate change), which will be the next fortress to fall, the next to collapse among academic disciplines constructed to "prove" highly politicised presuppositions, so that they cannot come to any other conclusion, and no one who doubts that conclusion can ever have any part in the peer review process?
I can think of plenty: population control, the "free" market and with it almost all economics at least as taught to Sixth Formers and undergraduates or given media attention, the organisation of political science on a spectrum devised by Continental Marxists and not really applicable in practice even to their own countries, the entire sex education industry going back to Kinsey and his gang of psychopaths, embryonic stem cell "research", the historiography of science assumed by the likes of Richard Dawkins, Biblical criticism, its underlying liberal theology, and that theology's underlying concept of the rational or empirical method as somehow existing apart from Augustinian illuminism as a whole, to name but a few.
So, once all of those practitioners are out on their ears, what should we do with the vast sums of money thus saved, and why?
"look at the nonsense that they repeat endlessly about me".
ReplyDeleteAnd about the obviously anti-communist Neil Clark too!
Quite so.
ReplyDeleteBless him at 11:32, he probably thought he was being "ironic".
ReplyDeleteBring back the grammar schools and rid us of these people. If Cameron wins, then we'll have the whole government comprised only of them that Blair was never able to bring about.
ReplyDeleteSo, as Peter Hitchens points out over on his blog today, Kamm has expressed his approval of Cameron. He just wants both parties to be like that rather than only one of them. Hence, he has gone back to Labour.
Not "stuck with Labour": he voted Tory last time and loudly announced that fact in The Times. I'm not sure which sectarian Leftist outfit he was in originally. Several of those have now accrued to Cameron, anyway. Well, of course they have.
Oh leave them alone. You don't taunt LaRouchies like this. You are being cruel.
ReplyDeleteI'd forgetten their gibberish about Neil Clark. It is nowhere near as convoluted as their gibberish about you, so I expect more people have read to the end of it when they have come across it.
ReplyDeleteBut dreaming up anything quite as L Ron Hubbard as they have for you and then learning it by heart in all its complexity shows that they asee you as a greater threat.
It also shows how much time they have in their hands, what with being far too rich ever to have neeeded to work. Like you say, we are about to have a whole government like that.
L Ron Hubbard. I love that one. Have you ever read any? Kamm and his Harry's Place/Euston Manifesto worshippers are a million times crazier than him.
ReplyDeleteThat's very unfair on Hubbard, who may have believed some of it. Kamm doesn't believe a word of it but subscribes to a combination of Lenin and Leo Strauss, like the American neocons. You see from the comment at 11:32 how stupid his and their followers are. Think of Blair.
ReplyDeleteSo he and they consider themselves obliged to lie. The common herd and the Manchurian candidates (Bush and Sakasvilli were other examples) cannot possibly understand the truth, you see.
No doubt you have had to reject plenty of comments today.
ReplyDeleteOh, yes, Anonymous 15:55. They are completely hysterical today. You wouldn't have thought that public holidays would affect the volume of their output, since they don't do anything, anyway. But then, the evening before a public holiday does not normally bring a post from me calling them exactly what they are.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous 15:18, the LaRouchies, to the best of my knowledge, have never heard of me, still less do they spend their unlimited free time stalking me across the Internet and spreading their potty, mind-bogglingly complicated and technical fantasies about me.
The bit that the Kammies really, really, REALLY don't like today is "Bring back the grammar schools and rid us of these people". Now, that has touched a very, very raw nerve indeed. I have to say that I am surprised, since I had never credited them with the brain power necessary to understand it.
Still, being that bright but no brighter certainly does account for why they are so bitter and angry. True simpletons are often delightful people. No one could accuse the Kammies of that.
They were very proud of getting their hallucinations into a student newspaper. I'll say that again, a student newspaper. How the mighty are fallen.
ReplyDeleteAh, yes, them. They still cannot believe that their effusions have had no effect whatever in removing me from my post, as they sincerey imagined that it was within their power to do.
ReplyDeleteIt is beyond them that nothing is more guaranteed to ensure that no one who is anyone at Durham pays the slightest attention to a "story", or else actively assumes it to be a lie, than its appearence in their publication.
Such is the arrogance of extreme youth, especially extremely privileged extreme youth.
Meanwhile, by all accounts their drivelling about me (on which I have never set eyes, nor will I ever do so) became the very least of their worries soon afterwards, while I was undergoing and then recovering from major surgery.
But back on topic, please.
Don't they have some theory about George Galloway to match the Clark one? Doolally, as you say. I haven't heard that word for years. I'm going to start using it again, it's well worth a revival.
ReplyDeleteOh, yes. It honestly never occurs to them that by saying things like the comment at 11:32, they merely prove the point of the rest of us, that they are completely round the bend, and would be in psychiatric institutions if they didn't come from a background from which, er, "eccentricity" is positively expected.
ReplyDeleteThere is also the need to deflect attention from their own backgrounds, so they pretend that Neil's merely Old Labour column in the Morning Star (the scandal is that it isn't anywhere more high-profile) makes him a Stalinist, as many of them really were. Or that George's expression of regret that the world is unipolar (if it is) constitutes nostalgia for the Soviet Union that many of them actively supported, and by which a number of them were paid, back when it was an enemy power.
In Neil's case, at least, that is by far the craziest thing that they say about him. Over, and over, and over again...
Who finished off those students in the end, the police or the social services? You are an old fashioned North East politician, and I mean that as a compliment.
ReplyDeleteManifestly, a lot of people need to be a lot more careful of the company that they keep...
ReplyDeleteBack on topic, please.
Galloway was never even a member of the Campaign Group. Never even a member of the Tribune Group, in fact.
ReplyDeleteWhereas look at them, Tom. Not even a very long time ago, in many cases. And in no case has any of them ever expressed the slightest regret.
ReplyDeleteA quick correction to my post at 17:23. The last paragraph should read:
"In Neil's case, at least, that is by no means the craziest thing that they say about him. Over, and over, and over again..."
By no means at all.
The Straussian duty to lie to the common people is a bastardisation of Plato, and thus an example of what you rightly call the lunatic schism between the Classical and Biblical traditions.
ReplyDeleteThank you.
ReplyDeleteCan you provide a recent example of someone saying crazy things about Neil Clark over and over and over again?
ReplyDeleteBy "recent", ideally I mean with a 2010 datestamp.
I regularly have to reject them. There were some only a couple of days ago.
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm not the only one.
But presumably some have been published somewhere? I was under the impression that Clark had dropped off the radar a bit following his high profile in 2007-08, so it would be interesting to see what people have been writing about him.
ReplyDeleteWell, I don't put them up, and nor does Neil. Nor will I be doing so. But we get them.