Why does there need to be a referendum on AV? There has never been a referendum on previous changes to electoral law, several of them at least as drastic. When Thatcher called the referendum "a device of demagogues and dictators", she was spot on. For the very good reason that she was quoting Attlee.
If AV is passed in a referendum, then how could there ever be one on anything else, especially STV, which involves the voter doing exactly the same thing, but which counts those votes in a different way in order to deliver a different outcome? No one would so much as bother to vote in that second referendum. That, of course, is the whole idea.
Oh, well, I suppose that I shall vote Yes to AV in the hope, and indeed with the firm intention, of making the best of it. I would vote Yes to AV Plus with some enthusiasm, on one condition. Parties standing candidates for constituencies must be forbidden to contest the list elections.
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