David Cameron believes so strongly in "reform" of the House of Lords that he intends to appoint a further 200 people to it. Mandelson and Adonis are already there, so look out for the ennoblement of the following:
Tony Blair, although he will probably decline;
James Purnell, still owed, and even more so now that the job that would have been his has had to be given to Iain Duncan Smith in order to keep the Tory Right sweet over the coalition;
John Reid, the unrepentant old Communist Party enforcer at Stirling University Students' Union (with its large cash turnover) while the Cold War was on;
Charles Clarke, the unrepentant old Soviet fellow-travelling President of the NUS;
David Aaronovitch, the unrepentant old plain-and-simple Communist Party President of the NUS;
Tony McNulty, the unrepentant old Trotskyist fundraiser for the IRA;
Patricia Hewitt, who, with someone called Harriet Harman, ran the old National Council for Civil Liberties when it was passing motions calling for the abolition of any minimum age of consent, and when it was defending the Paedophile Information Exchange and Paedophile Action for Liberation, also precisely the position of the Radical Rightists who have now come of age in the Unconservative Party;
Alan Milburn, who ran a Trotskyist bookshop called Days of Hope, known to its clientele as "Haze of Dope", also precisely the position of the Radical Rightists who have now come of age in the Unconservative Party;
Stephen Byers, another old Trot (like Eric Pickles, we now discover), and like Milburn repeatedly praised to the skies by Michael Gove;
Bernard Gray, the MoD's efficiency adviser, and then Cameron's efficiency adviser, seamlessly;
Martin Read, cited in Gordon Brown's foreword to the Smarter Gov paper before another seamless transition to Team Cameron;
Sir Peter Gershon, of New Labour's slash-and-burn Gershon Report and then of Cameron's team working on that very subject;
Matthew Taylor, Head of the Number 10 Policy Unit under Blair, mate of Ed Vaizey's;
Julian Le Grand, former Blair adviser on health policy;
Ken Anderson, another old Blair adviser on health, now based at UBS;
Geoff Mulgan, old Trotskyist ex-Director of Demos, Blair's favourite think tank and itself a literal continuation of the dissolved Communist Party of Great Britain;
John Marek, the fiercely anti-monarchist and anti-hunting Labour MP for Wrexham who went on, before his recent accession to the Tories, to become the founder and only ever Leader of Forward Wales, a Welsh separatist, Welsh-speaking supremacist, economically Hard Left, unyieldingly Politically Correct, Tommy Sheridan-endorsed, RMT-funded party which was only dissolved in January of this year;
And Marek's fellow founder-members of Forward Wales;
Ron Davies, one of the very few former Cabinet Ministers without a seat in either House, and a noted campaigner both against shooting and for the abolition of the monarchy, recalling Marek's own parliamentary question to Tony Blair requesting that the Oath of Allegiance be replaced with something acceptable to anti-monarchists;
Graeme Beard, a former Plaid Cymru councillor in Caerphilly;
Klaus Armstrong-Braun, who in his time on Flintshire County Council was the only Green Party member ever elected at county level in Wales;
To whom we may add:
Mohammad Asghar, the Member of the Welsh Assembly who has moved seamlessly from Plaid Cymru to the Cameroons.
Among others, of course. Any suggestions?
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