Right Democrat writes:
Republicans control the Florida House of Representatives making up roughly two-thirds of the lower chamber's membership. Nearly all Republican legislators in the state profess to be pro-life and many received endorsements from the Florida Right to Life Committee. Most of these same legislators voted on Thursday to eliminate prenatal care for expectant mothers and their unborn children. About 300 children will die each year because of this action. And the timing of these hypocrites - on the eve of Good Friday - couldn't have been better to showcase their moral depravity. Of course, silence from the Republican sock puppets at Florida Right to Life Committee and Life News.
WJHG-TV reports:
The Florida House of Representatives budget cuts $4 million for the Florida Association of Healthy Start Coalitions. The organization oversees 31 statewide coalitions that help at-risk pregnant mothers receive proper medical care. Supporters of the budget measure say county health departments will pick up the slack.
But, officials with the Bay-Gulf-Franklin chapter of Healthy Start say that's not the case. They say they use the state funds to raise about $32 million for their cause, and health departments can't solicit donations like that. "We're talking about actually losing babies if this happens," said Trey Hutt, president of the Healthy Start Board of Directors. "I know that sounds dramatic, but about 300 infants, or fetuses, will die every year in the state of Florida if they cut this funding."
Legislators will now meet in conference committee to iron out differences between the House and Senate versions. Hutt, and some legislators, hope they can eliminate the cut to Healthy Start during the reconciliation process.
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