"Be your own boss, choose your own school, own your own home", promises David Cameron. Oh, well, we are all to some extent stuck in our respective heydays. But at least most of us are conscious of being so.
Most people cannot be their own bosses, even if they would be perfectly capable of it. Things do not work like that, they just don't. Most people only want their local school to be good, so that the local children, including their own if they have any, can go to a good school. Hardly much to ask, is it?
And as for the sale of council housing, which even Thatcher's most stalwart defenders are usually too embarrassed to mention, the State gifted considerable capital assets to people so that they entered the housing market ahead of private tenants who had saved for their deposits, while creating for itself the whole Housing Benefit racket, which even if it were fraud-free (and it is anything but) would still be colossally more expensive than simply maintaining a stock of council housing and renting it out.
If what Cameron means by "be your own boss," the support of worker's cooperatives, I think he is certainly on to something. But if he means everyone or even most people owning their own independent business, than yes, that is rather unrealistic, as much as I hate to say it.