Don't vote for an amnesty for illegal immigrants.
So, in Britain, don't ever vote Lib Dem.
And, in America, don't vote Republican under almost any circumstance.
Whatever happened to that idea for the Ron Paul Democrat, Bob Conley, to put up against that preposterous McCain and Grahamnesty supporter, Joe Wilson? Someone has to.
Not least for the signal that it would send to the Democratic Party, here's to the nomination of Rand Paul, and here's to that of Peg Luksik against Pat Toomey of the Club for Greed. Neither the Tories nor what now passes for the Labour Party will ever be credible on immigration control until they, too, free themselves from the grip of the global capitalists who cannot function without the unrestricted movement of labour throughout the world.
It is surprising how many people in the U.S. think that the Republicans are anti-immigration. I think it is because right-wing talk radio and TV figures hit on the immigration issue a lot, and a few GOP politicians, like Tom Tancredo, make some noise about it. The GOP even occasionally throws some bones to Buchanan conservatives, but overall the Republicans are pretty much for open borders, as would be expected from a neoliberal party. Now, if only more Democrats could get rid of the idea that opposing open borders is automatically racist and emphasize how bad unrestricted immigration is for American workers, we’d be going somewhere.
ReplyDeleteWhat are you doing about it? After all, you now have a President with a black base.