Rowan Williams would meet most people's criteria for categorisation as an eccentric, even an oddity. As a Welsh-speaker, he is also at least arguably a member of an ethnic minority. But he is right. Our Political Class simply assumes that religious belief in general and Christianity in particular are peculiar to foreigners (they treat serious Christianity as for more foreign than Islam), weirdoes and ethnics.
Yet seventy-two per cent of people told the last census that they were Christians, to the surprise of no one who lives in Britain rather than in the strange country inhabited by politicians and their media courtiers. If that really was a reaction against Islam, then that figure will be higher, not lower, next time. All three political traditions derive directly from Christianity, yet all three parties, though especially the Tories, have a particular horror of anyone's mentioning that fact.
Meanwhile, however, there just don't any longer seem to the stories about primary schools refusing to put on Nativity Plays, or councils refusing to put on carol services, or what have you. They were in any case always peculiar to areas odd to the point of virtual foreignness. For example, most non-Catholic village primary schools in the old mining areas are County rather than C of E, but the old Methodist tradition keeps them singing Hark, The Herald Angels Sing, a Wesley hymn after all.
The integration of most ethnic minorities required nothing more than giving their children certain stereotypical parts, such as Asian boys as Wise Men, satirised in a sketch on Goodness Gracious Me. But one ethnic minority, by far the bitterest and the most fiercely separatist, was unassimilable. I refer to the secularists. They have not actually been assimilated. Quietly, out in the country at large, they have been defeated. When will the Government, and others such as the BBC, notice?
This is why they are going to lose NW Durham.
ReplyDeleteIt's not the only reason, but it's not the least among them.
ReplyDeleteWe know your game. This is about declaring NW Durham a "Catholic" seat where all three parties only ever put up candidates that are not just Catholic but certified Doctrinally Correct by David Lindsay, British agent of right-wing Catholic America, right-wing Catholic Australia and Rome itself. "No one else can win there." Yeah, right.
ReplyDeleteThey have been pulling this trick over here since God knows when.
ReplyDeleteThere is not one seat outside Northern Ireland with a Catholic majority but only Catholics are allowed to have numerous seats in the North West or parts of Scotland. Others are reserved for Protestants but nowhere near as many. We have a couple of Jewish ones and there are others in London especially. Is there not one in Gateshead? You've done well to avoid one.
And more and more here and in Yorkshire are Muslim-only. Only the right sort of Muslim naturally, the right part of Pakistan. Like it has to be the right sort of Jew, apparently now the right sort of Catholic, and no doubt the right sort of Protestant soon.
How large are the populations in question, really? But that doesn't seem to matter.
You really are rattled.
ReplyDeleteWhy did the Telegraph sack you? Did someone tell them about the "Martin Miller" scam? I think they did!
ReplyDeleteWrong in every particular.
ReplyDeleteOh, well, I suppose it keeps you off the streets.
They tried to pull off this rubbish on Coffee House and you still have comments posted on that moderated blog almost every day. Some of its writers obviously comment here. It's part of the Telegraph Group but the NuLab thickies haven't worked that one out. No one believes them but they inhabit a private world.
ReplyDeleteThey also tried it on Comment Is Free, which has since paid me. And on Harry's Place, which has since published an entire article by me. Yes, you read aright: even Harry's Place doesn't believe them. But, as you say, they are impervious to reality.
ReplyDeleteObviously nobody believes them. They lied this country into war.