It is now a matter of record that the Ba'ath Party had been poised to topple Saddam Hussein. Only that party could ever have delivered a democratic Iraq, and it was on the verge of beginning to do so before we clod-hopped in. Now it is reduced to setting off bombs in essentially impotent protest against the crooks, buffoons and Shi'ite fundamentalists whom we have installed instead.
It was always either that menagerie or the post-Saddam Ba'athists, just as there were pre-Saddam Ba'athists: committed to keeping the country united, inclusive of Christian and other minorities, a major bulwark against militant Islam. Not for the first time, we picked the wrong side entirely. And not for the first time, the right side is hitting back in, if indefensible, nevertheless perfectly understandable outrage.
Perhaps the fracturing of Iraq along ethnic and sectarian lines was the intention all along. As much as I think about it, a strong and sovereign Iraq would not be so likely to let its natural wealth be exploited so easily.