A pity about the anti-German bit, but Peter Hitchens writes:
Very quickly we see the exact price David Cameron paid for the support of the Murdoch media empire which, like the Germans, is always either at your throat or at your feet.
Why anyone should want such fickle, cynical allies I do not know.
Alas, that price will mainly be paid by the British soldiers who will be needlessly killed and maimed because Mr Cameron will do anything for office.
For this is what he did. To please Mr Murdoch he deepened his commitment to our indefensible and futile military intervention in Afghanistan, with blowhard talk of a ‘War Cabinet’ - as if a committee of Tories can make an unwinnable war winnable.
It is the Opposition’s job to oppose. They failed dismally to speak against the Iraq disaster and now they are doing the same in Afghanistan.
Do they think this is cost-free?
The whole lot of them should be made to go to work as orderlies in the Selly Oak Hospital and the Headley Court rehabilitation centre where the terrifying number of appallingly injured soldiers are brought.
I would suggest that they be sent to fight the damned war themselves, but they’d all run away if they ever had to go to the real front line instead of on photo-opportunity tours.
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