Cameron listed three "good things" that the Government had done.
One was the minimum wage, which is the sort of thing that Tory Governments used to do back when there were such things, the better to emphasise the union between Crown and People against the anti-conservative forces of unbridled capital, and the better to prevent revolution.
And another was civil partnerships, which would be a lot better if, since they do not need to be consummated, they were not arbitrarily and unjustly restricted to unrelated same-sex couples.
But the third was devolution. So there you have it. Devolution is a good things, says Tory Leader, and basically Scottish Tory Leader (complete with a house there) at that. The Tories were more popular in Scotland when they were against devolution. Their rising popularity in Wales is in no small measure due to the fact that most people there have never really wanted it. And in Northern Ireland, their only real hope is from people who are mortified at the two parties now running their affairs, and if anything even more so at the Unionist than at the Republican one; at least the latter does not purport to speak for them or theirs.
But who cares? Certainly not Cameron.
Like New Labour, the Conservative Party simply has to go. Don't vote for them. Make alternative arrangements.
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